Tinder is utterly toxic, you've done right to find alternatives. I think Tinder and these other social media sites have done a lot to foster the kind of mentality that people have today. That we have become disposable assets to be liked, swiped and cast away.
I used to be active on social media. I had a Facebook account with loads of "friends". Then one day my wife got sick. She had a stroke in her eye and lost it, she got diagnosed with glaucoma at 27 and we had to come to terms with the prospect that some day in the future she will go completely blind. She had to have an operation to put a type of stent in her eye to stop the pressure building but it turned out she has a serious allergy to general anaesthetic and we nearly lost her. When she came round she had lost a lot of her bodily functions. She had no sense of touch, just pins and needles, she lost the use of her bladder and ended up with a catheter. During this time all of my "friends vanished. There were no kind words, no offers of help, just a wall of silence.
Anyway, the passage of time has seen her nervous system repair itself somewhat. She is back on her feet again and the catheter was removed after about 3 years. There is still the prospect of her going blind and she can't over exert herself but we are enjoying our time together and the time with our young children.
I just think technology is partly to blame for how people interact with each other. It has allowed us all to be seen as commodities and no consideration is made that we are all human beings with thoughts and feelings who need love and affection to thrive.