I don't think I'm crossing into depression again but this year just seems to get worse. The woman I met back in March recently confessed to cheating on me (with multiple people at the same time, wouldn't even apologise and said she will do it again). 6 months of effort and trust thrown away. I think it will affect any future relationships, too. I think I'm managing my emotions decently right now, considering. The loss of appetite which I previously had for 2 weeks at the start of this year to which I lost a fair bit of weight has returned due to the stress of it all, and I'm currently 48 hours without sleep because my brain keeps simulating conversations and scenarios that in some corner of my imagination brings some peace, but in reality will never happen.
The good thing is that I have a circle of really good friends that have stepped up in the last 24 hours. Even staying up to the early hours of the morning just talking despite having an early shift. I'm grateful that I'm not alone but this year has been really difficult. I'm almost 28 and I'm starting to feel like I'm behind my peers in terms of wealth/career/relationships. Trying not to focus on that right now though. Recent events are bad enough.
But hey, Everton won. That's something good.
Zezti, so sorry to hear your struggling. It is good that you have a good circle of friends for support. Continue touching base with them and keeping as much contact as you can with friends and loved ones is a good thing. We can sometimes feel we are " fighting " these issues alone when in reality, we often have friends and family who are willing to go on the " journey " with you. Can I ask if you have spoken to your GP about your feelings. Please pay them a visit if you haven't already. They may be able to prescribe something which will take the " edge " of things for you.
I'm intrigued about your " behind your peers....." Comment. Please buddy, you are not them, and vice versa. Their circumstances, family dynamics and personal life will NOT be the same my friend and might I suggest comparing your status with theirs is not helpfull. You are a unique person with different things going on in your life. Try if you can, to not judge the " success " of your life by comparing relative life styles and economic situation. There are many people who are contented with their life because they have what you are striving for, some peace of mind. Regarding your relationship issues, I promise,there is someone out there who does not want to chest on you, who only wants someone to care for, share their life and to love. You WILL know when you have met them so please don't stop meeting people and perhaps thinking it's you and your fault, because it isn't. Relationships are complicated but worth waiting for when they bring you happiness.
So share your problems, keep in touch with those who care for you and remember, recovering and identifying your struggling is a great first step. Your confidence has taken a knock but try not to go too deep. We tend to catastrophies things when things aren't going well but the thing that makes a difference to you - that lifts your mood and makes you feel better about life - might not be too far out of your reach. If you can, do the things that make you happy, it might be something simple, a good movie, nice food and good company. Nothing too complicated, just the things that give you pleasure and things that make you feel good inside. Surround yourself with good people, a little help from your GP will hopefully lift your mood and help you appreciate that hollistically, your life is NOT a failure, that your going through a rough phase in your life but that yes, you can turn things around. Good luck and take care my friend.