Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Good news, and sometimes letting out a torrent of bottled up emotion can be the perfect tonic for releasing a load of stress and frustration. Good on you for shouting it up and facing your fear and going along to the Dr's to get checked. We bury enough people early as it is, it is in all of our best interests to get checked and keep healthy for as long as we can. ;)
Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
All the best fella - hope it’s nothing serious mate. Look after yourself.

Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
My thoughts are with you mate. Its scary as hell dealing with something like that, but you're doing everything right by getting yourself checked out properly. Stick to your plans and take each day as it comes. That's the healthiest possible way to deal with everything. Don't get inside your own head like I did.

All the best mate. Hopefully it's nowt to worry yourself about. Take care of yourself.
My thoughts are with you mate. Its scary as hell dealing with something like that, but you're doing everything right by getting yourself checked out properly. Stick to your plans and take each day as it comes. That's the healthiest possible way to deal with everything. Don't get inside your own head like I did.

All the best mate. Hopefully it's nowt to worry yourself about. Take care of yourself.
Cheers Blue, made up things worked out well for you.

I think my mental health took a dive this week. A combination of a nasty cold coupled with seeing images / footage of kids in war torn Palestine. Probably wouldn't have bothered me years ago. Perhaps it's a combination of getting old or becoming a father myself 2 years ago. You see something like that and how it affects the innocent and you start thinking what's the point. I wish they'd stop the violence. Me? I'll be alright, first world problems innit? At least I have my boy and he's fit and well.

I think my mental health took a dive this week. A combination of a nasty cold coupled with seeing images / footage of kids in war torn Palestine. Probably wouldn't have bothered me years ago. Perhaps it's a combination of getting old or becoming a father myself 2 years ago. You see something like that and how it affects the innocent and you start thinking what's the point. I wish they'd stop the violence. Me? I'll be alright, first world problems innit? At least I have my boy and he's fit and well.

As mentioned previous, it's partly the time of year, cold and shorter days, less light, the epic monsoons of rain we've had, it's all so dull and seeming with out end. But it does, we've two weeks of November left, then we hit December and some Christmas cheer, you've little un to spoil as best you can and it's magic for them with Santa floating around. Avoid the news if it's doing you no good, I can't tolerate the scenes of bloody murder so I swerve it as best I can. Gotta stay as active as you can, a daily walk for 20-30 minutes, some fresh air in the lungs and a change of scenery, it's priceless. If you can figure out a way to knock the booze on the head let me know cos I acknowledge its a thief of energy and time and money. Good on you for shouting up and getting a bit off your chest, we've a 'post something funny' thread over in the ale house that has a few good laughs in it, and to stay topical, we've the draconian points deduction to focus our ire upon and combine the support under one banner of 'F You Football Association', who knew international breaks could be so Everton-centric. What the Mosh-man has planned to top this in the next one is gonna be fantastico! ;)


As mentioned previous, it's partly the time of year, cold and shorter days, less light, the epic monsoons of rain we've had, it's all so dull and seeming with out end. But it does, we've two weeks of November left, then we hit December and some Christmas cheer, you've little un to spoil as best you can and it's magic for them with Santa floating around. Avoid the news if it's doing you no good, I can't tolerate the scenes of bloody murder so I swerve it as best I can. Gotta stay as active as you can, a daily walk for 20-30 minutes, some fresh air in the lungs and a change of scenery, it's priceless. If you can figure out a way to knock the booze on the head let me know cos I acknowledge its a thief of energy and time and money. Good on you for shouting up and getting a bit off your chest, we've a 'post something funny' thread over in the ale house that has a few good laughs in it, and to stay topical, we've the draconian points deduction to focus our ire upon and combine the support under one banner of 'F You Football Association', who knew international breaks could be so Everton-centric. What the Mosh-man has planned to top this in the next one is gonna be fantastico! ;)
Nice one!

Yes, the boy will have a good Xmas and that's to be celebrated.

The points deduction would normally have me seething. Now I'm just slightly irritated by it now that things have been put into perspective. Perhaps too much perspective but yeah I agree regarding exercise. Normally I do 2-3 5ks a week, superb for the mentals. This cold has kept me at bay and thinking too much. Realising some things in the world are beyond your control no matter how hard they are to accept can be difficult...

As for the ale, get a hobby, start playing guitar, reading, running, 5 aside. I used to bevy with aplomb in my 20s, I was either drunk or hungover, good while it lasted but you can't maintain that in later life, running and quitting smoking, I've never felt healthier...healthier albeit bored and that's a potential danger, although the youngster keeps me occupied and his smile keeps me motivated.
Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
Good luck x

I think my mental health took a dive this week. A combination of a nasty cold coupled with seeing images / footage of kids in war torn Palestine. Probably wouldn't have bothered me years ago. Perhaps it's a combination of getting old or becoming a father myself 2 years ago. You see something like that and how it affects the innocent and you start thinking what's the point. I wish they'd stop the violence. Me? I'll be alright, first world problems innit? At least I have my boy and he's fit and well.
I think becoming a parent completely changes your perception of the world at large. It certainly had that impact on me. Like you say seeing small children and babies as innocent victims of wars and famine is so upsetting. Give your little one a massive hug - guaranteed to cheer you up.
I think becoming a parent completely changes your perception of the world at large. It certainly had that impact on me. Like you say seeing small children and babies as innocent victims of wars and famine is so upsetting. Give your little one a massive hug - guaranteed to cheer you up.
Cheers mate! And will do!

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