Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

They're alright mate. Easy on the drinking though, have a few pints but don't get pissed on them is my advice.

Nice one. Yeah probably best not to go too mad on the ale. Found yesterday I was having a really dry throat and my jaw was clenching all the time for the first few hours.
I have just this morning been prescribed 50mg Sertraline for anxiety and panic attacks. I've finally gotten round to having a read of this thread and I see there's a few who are either on or have been on these tablets themselves.

How did you guys find them?
Did you suffer any side effects?
How were you with a few pints at the weekend?
I would advise leaving the ale alone for a while when on those mate.

The combo will knock you out, and you don't want to do a Jimi Hendrix.

Also, your liver and kidneys may not like you for a while, what with also having the strain of meds going through them - be careful. I'm glad your getting treatment though.
Nice one. Yeah probably best not to go too mad on the ale. Found yesterday I was having a really dry throat and my jaw was clenching all the time for the first few hours.
Keep coming back on here even it's just for a rant. None of us will judge and though we are not experts in the field many have gone through it and the experiences they have can help a little.
Drink, drugs and all kinds of advice in between. Only exercise works for me.

The only thing I can wholly commend is some exercise, a walk a swim, a very fast fap. Any of the will help.

Ok maybe not the last one, any of them have raised my mood at least 10% and that's massive.
'wife is having a hard time which I understand but hate her taking it out on me all the time.'

Despite all the advice you are able to glean from these boards you will probably find that the best one to help you IS your wife.
From what you say SHE is probably having a worse time of it than you - seeing you in this state must be devastating for her and rather than
come on here and 'vent' your feelings (which I do not decry) perhaps it would be better for you to sit down with your wife and try and see
the problem from her perspective. The 'family' I am sure will be wanting to 'help' you may not like or appreciate what they say or do but they also
will be feeling just like you (or even worse the RS across the park)!

This is not a put down I can assure you but sometimes we can get so far into our own little world that we shut everyone else out and seek
comfort elsewhere - yes I am sure everyone on here will sympathise with you in your present predicament but none will be able to live with you
and really understand how to help. Speak and try to understand your wife's problem and YOU help HER in that way you will find that you are
working together with a common aim.

I can tell you that she will be far more help to you than all the mrs esks on here!!

Finally (rant over - as you say) you have really hit the nail on the head
'I can't defend myself cos i'm not working.'

This I believe is the crux of the matter - yes you have had cancer but worse than that you have had your manhood taken away - presumably as the
head and provider of your family you have now been relegated to a 'dependant' - or so you think. You do not say how old you are or what job prospects you may or may not have but 'being out of work' I believe will be the one thing that is getting you down.

Being ill is no reason to be guilty about being out of work - I know that. I felt really bad for two years while I was on Incapacity Benefit, I felt a cheat but I was
ill!! It was not until the Incapacity Benefits stopped that I really sorted myself out and gained my self respect back.

And that's another thing -self respect - you probably feel that having lost your job you have also lost your self respect - no such thing - all in the mind.

Taid, dos i siarad hefo nain a gwrando beth sydd ganddi ddeud. Hwyl.


This is probably now as bad as I've felt in months and I'm still not quite sure what to do. If anyone has some time to share suggestions with me it would be greatly appreciated
Any obvious reason for it?

The cause of this may sound trivial but it's always been that the small things make things worse.
I've struggled with anxiety disorders and badly fluctuating moods for the last sort of 5 years, and occasionally it's gotten really bad to the point where I've been doing things to myself that aren't healthy and I've done that on and off for a while. And for the last sort of month I've been going through a bad break up with someone who was my best friend before and as a result I've now ended up being really isolated and have been doing these sorts of things almost nightly. And now said person has got someone new in their life after telling me that they didn't want anyone because they wanted to make them self feel well again.

The cause of this may sound trivial but it's always been that the small things make things worse.
I've struggled with anxiety disorders and badly fluctuating moods for the last sort of 5 years, and occasionally it's gotten really bad to the point where I've been doing things to myself that aren't healthy and I've done that on and off for a while. And for the last sort of month I've been going through a bad break up with someone who was my best friend before and as a result I've now ended up being really isolated and have been doing these sorts of things almost nightly. And now said person has got someone new in their life after telling me that they didn't want anyone because they wanted to make them self feel well again.
Have you seen your GP?
Have you seen your GP?

I did a while back and they just palmed me off to another external thing and then when i mentioned it recently they just didnt pay much attention, it's just tonight that i feel this bad and like nothing will make it feel any better,
i have but they were fairly useless

Totally understand mate, its 50/50 dependant what doctor you see as some are great but some are useless. Perhaps going to chat to a professional who can help go through each situation you have just mentioned with you. My sister has just started going again, I've been to one through my teenage years as well. It works for some and it doesn't for others but I would always say I think its worth a go.
Totally understand mate, its 50/50 dependant what doctor you see as some are great but some are useless. Perhaps going to chat to a professional who can help go through each situation you have just mentioned with you. My sister has just started going again, I've been to one through my teenage years as well. It works for some and it doesn't for others but I would always say I think its worth a go.

I will try again during the week but I feel as though I need help fairly quickly and they took almost 6 weeks last time and at this moment in time im not in a position where I can phone and talk to various hotlines over the phone

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