Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

that is so how it is
Tbh i've been fighting it since i was 13 and ive seen this week how getting involved with family and friends on your own impetus can help

Might not apply to everyone since not everyone has that network

But its crazy how the narative changes when you decide im going out and dropping in on people rather than theyre dropping in on me

It won't change those facts that sit and wait for you when you go to bed but it won't half drown them out

By all means ive failed an interview and should be telling the bottle how im gonna push over that line THIS time but all i can think about is the face on my uncle when i turn up tomorrow for a family do and have a laugh with them

This week atleast my personality is waking up and kicking arses

Dosen't mean in a few months i wont be clockwatching my life and contemplating things i shouldnt
But this weekend and this next week are mine and my brains getting a shoeing if it tries to take that from me

Small steps lads, maybe we'll have a life we can smile back on ey?

Tbh i've been fighting it since i was 13 and ive seen this week how getting involved with family and friends on your own impetus can help

Might not apply to everyone since not everyone has that network

But its crazy how the narative changes when you decide im going out and dropping in on people rather than theyre dropping in on me

It won't change those facts that sit and wait for you when you go to bed but it won't half drown them out

By all means ive failed an interview and should be telling the bottle how im gonna push over that line THIS time but all i can think about is the face on my uncle when i turn up tomorrow for a family do and have a laugh with them

This week atleast my personality is waking up and kicking arses

Dosen't mean in a few months i wont be clockwatching my life and contemplating things i shouldnt
But this weekend and this next week are mine and my brains getting a shoeing if it tries to take that from me

Small steps lads, maybe we'll have a life we can smile back on ey?

You're threads cheer everyone up mate, that'll do for me. Carry on the good work x
Tbh i've been fighting it since i was 13 and ive seen this week how getting involved with family and friends on your own impetus can help

Might not apply to everyone since not everyone has that network

But its crazy how the narative changes when you decide im going out and dropping in on people rather than theyre dropping in on me

It won't change those facts that sit and wait for you when you go to bed but it won't half drown them out

By all means ive failed an interview and should be telling the bottle how im gonna push over that line THIS time but all i can think about is the face on my uncle when i turn up tomorrow for a family do and have a laugh with them

This week atleast my personality is waking up and kicking arses

Dosen't mean in a few months i wont be clockwatching my life and contemplating things i shouldnt
But this weekend and this next week are mine and my brains getting a shoeing if it tries to take that from me

Small steps lads, maybe we'll have a life we can smile back on ey?
Good stuff mate.

What hits it home for me is the bits in bold. I'm the same for some reason - massive sigh of relief for my mentality now that I decided what I'm doing. Chatted to a very close family friend and he invited me to go visit him for a (long) weekend whenever I can in the Netherlands, which was good!

Also feeling very confident and, just, relaxed these last few days, which is a massive jump from how I was a few days before, as I wrote it here.

Obviously I might not be like that forever, but I'm feeling alive and well right now, even though my job is turd and I've got little to no money (not been paid for 2 weeks, and won't until next Friday o_O :Blink:) and I keep being unable to sleep for prolongued times... But I don't feel like staying in bed hiding from the world all day, which is good.

Also the owner of the place I work at, who I don't see very often or at all, genuinely thought I'm from the north of England/south of Scotland and asked me if I've ever been to Bulgaria (I was wearing a Bulgaria shirt with the flag on it and all)... That's a new one and tbh closer to where my accent probably is, as I say things way clearer with the prolongued pronounciation of a northern accent (think a worse/better Ross Noble I guess), and also an actual closer to me accent, as usually they say Irish (?!?!?), Swedish (which I sort of get) or Dutch/German. :cool: lol Integrating before I leave, fantastic. lol

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