Hi peeps, I'm struggling to get back into the work vibe at the moment, as I said I left college last week, I took the next 2 off. I'm supposed to be in college this morning but have stretched out a appointment with first steps(not till 11.30 haven't gone in).
I'm banging holidays in left right and centre because I can't face being at work. I honestly don't know what to do for the best at the moment, part of me knows that there is light at the end of the tunnel and stick it out in case I regret it in the future, another part of me just wants out of there because it is holding back my recovery in my eyes.
Then I've got to appease the partner, she is more concerned about bills being paid, understandably, I feel a stuck in a catch 22 at the moment. College this afternoon and I really don't want to go.
I have been weening myself off venlafaxine and will be starting setraline tomorrow.