Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Thanks lads I've found it helpful reading everybody else's posts and it's helped me see I need to see help. I'm sick of putting a brave face on everything. As sad as it sounds everton is the only thing I look forward to anymore

Do you have any other hobbies that you may have previously done? Get back into that gives you a sense of achivement and something to look forward too? Try not to sit around in your free time that makes things a lot worse too.

If anyone fancies a chat you can just message me
As sad as it sounds everton is the only thing I look forward to anymore
Don't think of it as 'sad', think of it as a starting point on your road to recovery. You have Everton, now start to look for positives in the off season for example. Like Danny said above, other hobbies that you've done in the past. Start building up the things you enjoy & hopefully, this will brighten your day.
There's nothing like professional help, but you can supplement what happens there with things you like to do, or liked to do in the past. I used to build plastic model aircraft as a kid and my Wife bought me a kit to build recently. I'm also struggling in the job I do, so much so that I now have an official written warning, so I have a way to go but we're working on it. I'm actually looking at returning to my old industry in order to get a spark back into my work life. We'll take a hit on the $$$ side of things, but my health & family life are more important than money.
Just remember that it's not necessarily going to happen overnight. It took some time to build up to the point where you recognise the need for assistance, it might take the same amount of time to fix.
As anyone on here got definite proof of what cures anxiety?

I imagine that's pretty difficult to answer as different things will work for different people. Some might find medication is the answer whereas others might use other coping strategies after finding medication hasn't had the desired effects.

My mum and brother have both suffered from anxiety/panic attacks at various stages and they dealt with it in very different ways, I think you just have to try and find what works best for you and have an open mind when it comes to managing it and the different things you can try.

Also, not supporting Everton would probably help with stress/anxiety levels in general, but where's the fun in that?
I imagine that's pretty difficult to answer as different things will work for different people. Some might find medication is the answer whereas others might use other coping strategies after finding medication hasn't had the desired effects.

My mum and brother have both suffered from anxiety/panic attacks at various stages and they dealt with it in very different ways, I think you just have to try and find what works best for you and have an open mind when it comes to managing it and the different things you can try.

Also, not supporting Everton would probably help with stress/anxiety levels in general, but where's the fun in that?

I've been on medication. Admittably, never completed a full course of it. I generally live an happy life but at least once each day I'll have thoughts of dread which basically only lasts for a minute. I'd like one day to live without it, it's really hard to describe but basically its a thought of future scenarios...

I've been on medication. Admittably, never completed a full course of it. I generally live an happy life but at least once each day I'll have thoughts of dread which basically only lasts for a minute. I'd like one day to live without it, it's really hard to describe but basically its a thought of future scenarios...
Have you tried talking to a professional mate? A GP or a therapist? They might be able to help you find out what's causing the anxiety and how to cope with it...
Have you tried talking to a professional mate? A GP or a therapist? They might be able to help you find out what's causing the anxiety and how to cope with it...

I just live with it now. It doesn't cause any real upset or anything. As it lasts for a minute or two then I get on with the rest of the day. Quite strange really but suppose its down to past traumas and being quite a deep thinker anyway.
As anyone on here got definite proof of what cures anxiety?
I think there's some research evidence to suggest that anxiety is a key part of survival. Unpleasant though it is, animals and - I believe - people, are driven to survive and avoid danger by being anxious.

I've often thought that I'm unique in my anxiety but, when I reflect more carefully, I can see that everybody else is as well!

Perhaps we ought to try and live with our fears rather than 'cure' them?
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You know to me, depression is a lot of things, its being socially awkward, its being nervous its being constantly tired. Its feeling like you are alone, its feeling like you don't belong its the difficulties you face that you think everyone else finds simple.

Its finding the difficulties in things, its all of the above. The one thing depression isn't... To me? Is a winner. Why? Cos I am. I wont ever let depression win, In [Poor language removed] hardened by the challenge, I know what it feels like I k know how it feels. Genuinely don't ever feel like this god awful illness is winning cos its not, it cant cos we are all special, depression. Isn't anything to be embarrassed about it ashamed! Get it out here! We can all contribute to this fight, you all fight a battle.

Let's [Poor language removed] fight together.I'm so proud of every single person that's posted here.

I think there's some research evidence to suggest that anxiety is a key part of survival. Unpleasant though it is, animals and - I believe - people, are driven to survive and avoid danger by being anxious.

I've often that I'm unique in my anxiety but, when I reflect more carefully, I can see that everybody else is as well!

Perhaps we ought to try and live with our fears rather than 'cure' them?

I think this is a very useful contribution, regardless of whether an individual is a sufferer of depression or not, in any challenging situation it is perfectly natural to feel anxious.

The question is I suppose whether the anxiety is so great that it debilitates the individual to the extent that they can not complete the task at hand or actually acts as a stimulant and greater performance is the result.

The key firstly is to recognise that anxiety is a natural state and if harnessed and controlled can be a positive influence not a destructive one.
As anyone on here got definite proof of what cures anxiety?

Hypnosis. Meditation.

Relaxation. Breathing exercises.

Lay off the caffeine and alcohol and nicotine (this is an addictive stimulant).

Depression can cause anxiety in public crowded places. Increased sensitivity to noise. Best remedied by having good friends with you.

If you live in one. Get some quiet space every now and then.

Depression and anxiety can be in a feedback loop with each other.

Also eating habits. Good food balanced diet. Don't eat certain foods after 8pm or they will stimulate your body and lack of sleep can trigger anxiety
I think there's some research evidence to suggest that anxiety is a key part of survival. Unpleasant though it is, animals and - I believe - people, are driven to survive and avoid danger by being anxious.

I've often that I'm unique in my anxiety but, when I reflect more carefully, I can see that everybody else is as well!

Perhaps we ought to try and live with our fears rather than 'cure' them?

Theyre not on about fight or flight response per see. Or a single anxiety response. Theyre on about chronic repetitive long term anxiety.

Some people eg. with PTSD or anxiety disorders can have this "fight or flight" response permanently on.

This leads to anxiety and ill health as your body is not designed to be operating like that long term.

This in turn leads to depression.

This is perfectly natural. Cause and effect.

People can retrain themselves with some therapeutic medical/psychological and friends/family help.

The causes are diverse. As are the solutions to these things.

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