Do you ever feel empty and nothing ? And you question everything and even the people you like/love? Because you feel nothing suddenly, it's worrying. I don't know if it's depression or the meds or what. It's not even a down feeling I do get that sometimes but just a void. I'm on antidepressants tried to cut them down but my anxiety levels went through the roof and I was waking early mornings with panic attacks. Upped them again now but I get days where I feel nothing/emotionally blunted and I hate it. I would like to change meds but have found it damn near impossible.
Hi mate.
What you describe is txt book depression - the emptiness, the feelings of " nothing ".
Anxiety and depression can go hand in hand, usually the depression comes first and then the anxiety almost slips in through the back.
You "become worried about being worried " and eventually you are worried all the time about everything, so your brain never switches off and hey ho, you have an anxiety problem too.
The reason you`re waking in the morning is two fold :
You`re brain is still switched on in worry mode > anxiety.
Due to your brain being in anxiety mode, you`re producing too much of a stress hormone called CORTISOL.
This is a chemical that`s used in the waking process, but also comes into play during periods of extreme fear / stress > fight or flight.
You`re brain is producing too much of it, due to your permanent anxious state. So when you`re starting to wake up, you`re brain is flooding your system with it, rather than gently releasing it.
The way I manage my anxiety is through exercise, cutting out all caffeine / stimulants and very moderate intake of ale ( makes it much worse ).
Exercise is wonderful for bringing anxiety levels down and also CBT works for many too. (you learn coping mechanisms )
Have a look at Cortisol and what it does.
Anxiety is very difficult to treat medically, as all the sedatives used to treat it are highly addictive.
Hope this helps mate

Ps - have you told anyone close to you ?