I understand what you are going through because I have been through a similar situation. Spending time at home all the time with kids, trying to start a business and only your spouse for adult conversation can be isolating as well as stressful. I've been there!! No offense to spouses! haha
If you don't have friends locally to meet with occasionally, maybe try going out somewhere to watch a match or take a night class. There is also a website I've used called www.meetup.com It's a site where you can find local groups near you with interests you like such as hiking, writing, business networking, etc.
Even though you said your wife is working very hard, I guarantee you have the harder job right now, especially with the ages of your kids. Make sure you have time to work on your projects, so you are not sacrificing your goals for her goals.
And of course, we are all here for you...at different times of the day obviously! lol
Thank you! Excellent advice, as seems to be the case throughout this thread.
Even just typing that last night was cathartic, and I am going to try to effect actual change in the coming weeks rather than just stewing on it all.
I’m pretty sure Vegas never sleeps, so I’ll expect timely responses to all posts!!!
Thanks again.