Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Bryan. I've been bullied in the past. Never physically but verbally, it was horrendous. Along with several of family bust ups over something or another. If you knew me you'd be amazed as I'm quite a popular and happy person but I've lived with inner turmoil for over half of my 30 years. I've also been on anti depressants twice. I went off the rails a few years ago after my aunty took her own life then a few years later I become a father, the only reason I'm typing this is because I'm incredibly strong inside after all I've been through and I believe you are too. What you, I and others on here have experienced and talking about it on here quite openly is pretty good going. I was in a whirl of self pity a few years back until I opened up to one or two people and they've both turned around after listening to me and said "you're the strongest person I know".

Things may at times may seem unbearable but take it from me, YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT. I am living proof that strength, character, belief & persistence will see you through anything you face. Now, finally I can honestly say I'm in a good place. Keep the faith x
Things have improved since last time I posted, forgot how long ago might have been in the early fall. I'm being a bit more social, and I don't consider myself as down as I was a while ago. And while my symptoms weren't probably all that serious in the grand scheme of things, my (slightly useless) advice is that no matter what the situation's severity is, a little bit of perseverance can go a long way. Well done to everyone who's sharing their stories and offering support.
Things have improved since last time I posted, forgot how long ago might have been in the early fall. I'm being a bit more social, and I don't consider myself as down as I was a while ago. And while my symptoms weren't probably all that serious in the grand scheme of things, my (slightly useless) advice is that no matter what the situation's severity is, a little bit of perseverance can go a long way. Well done to everyone who's sharing their stories and offering support.
Good for you DT!;)

we were so exciting to watch last season that i spent too much time watching all of our games rather than spending more time with my girlfriend - she's now left me and i'm now living alone in a city where i have no friends. all i have on weekends now is to watch everton and week after week they return me with turgid boring dull games of football and i'm stuck in a vicious circle of a depressing repetitive life.

i got what i deserved, so the least you can do everton is buck up or kindly [Poor language removed] off out of my life tbh
we were so exciting to watch last season that i spent too much time watching all of our games rather than spending more time with my girlfriend - she's now left me and i'm now living alone in a city where i have no friends. all i have on weekends now is to watch everton and week after week they return me with turgid boring dull games of football and i'm stuck in a vicious circle of a depressing repetitive life.

i got what i deserved, so the least you can do everton is buck up or kindly [Poor language removed] off out of my life tbh

Feeling a bit meh myself tonight.

I'm a bit of a workaholic. It keeps me distracted. As we've suddenly stopped. My heads abit like in a blender.

Todays result hasn't helped. Hopefully a nice days rest will sort it. As tiredness doesn't help.
Very sad reading tonight.

Clarke Carlisle, the ex-footballer and pundit, is in hospital with life-threatening injuries after being hit by a lorry. Early reports are that it may have been a suicide attempt, given that it happened on a motorway and he has history of depression.

This illness is such a killer, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Makes you appreciate wonderful threads like this even more. Remember lads and gals, if you're hurting deep down and need support, don't be afraid to tell someone how you're feeling, don't bottle up and let it win.

Stay healthy and have a nice Christmas to you all.
As Christmas is almost upon us worth remembering that for large numbers of people Christmas is a very difficult time.

Anyone who looks in on GOT can be sure of a platform to share thoughts with fellow blues, please don't suffer in silence or feel alone.

Similarly if you know anyone suffering from depression or just simply alone or having had a bad time recently, give them a call, let them know they're not alone this Christmas.

Would be great to know that Blues are helping others not only on this thread but elsewhere over Christmas.

Take care guys, and if you need to talk to someone try someone on here!

when someone says they have bouts of depression does it mean that their depression has been triggered by something external in their environment i.e. a sad film on tv etc..?
I have thought so much about posting ' my story' in this thread.

I've been posting on GoT for a few years, i've enjoyed it. I've got a few 'stories' i've kept locked up, today is my daughters birthday, she's around at a friend at the moments, so i've got a few minutes to gather myself ( its difficult when its just us 3 )

I've not seen my dad, mum or two brothers for 7 years to the day, they turned me away the day my daughter was born - because, as my mum is a a bit unstable, thought my partners guardians had ' seen the baby first ', my dad took my mums side and i thought ' well thats that'. '' im better off without them ''. I am the oldest of three brothers too not the favorite, but must successful academically and professionally too ..

Back story, i come from a poor family, i was bullied in 2 schools and moved from both, i was bullied in my street and lived with my nan, and then an auntie, i was a mess - i was poor too ! literally poor! no central heating in my first house i lived in alone whilst i went to college, my mum abused me - both mentally and physically ( not sexually ) i was a battered kid, literally battered with a belt! so i grew up bearing them physical and mental scars of being the child my mum never wants, so for her to do that my daughter and me barely an hour old gave me the reasons i never wanted to talk to them again.

So i haven't - or my two brothers.

I've been through a lot since then, some stuff a bit too much for here ( or at least to put in writing ) Only as i've gotten older have i realised what has happened to me, you never do what happened to me to your first born, ever. Never do that. A day like today polarizes the effort, the complete love your have for your kids in a way that pain in the past seems to just fade away.

Depression is around me, every single day - i look at my surroundings, the lack of family support we dont have and that drives me, i always leave feedback to people on here and say ' don't ever let depression win, EVER ' because its a battle - thats what it is, and its down to you, not a chat, not a doctor, not a magic box of pills! although all these can help and i belive they do, you cannot change whats going on inside unless you decide to make it change.

The one thing i will say about our forum is the people are incredibly helpful, i always say ' even just posting whats on your mind is enough' it usually is, its out there and NOT IN HERE < the head >

I am going to eat some cake.

Stay happy people, You're all we've GoT x
I admire your strength of mind mate and your resolve.
I was left at a Doctor barnados when i was born and the only thing i have been told is that my biological parents were travellers.
I remember growing up was tough not to your extent and i tended to fight things head on.
The most positive thing for me is that i used to make myself be strong and believe me it was hard but i had to or i would fold.
I now have a wonderful family of my own and whatever i missed out on i give double to my children.
I believe God gave me a life for a reason and thank him every day.
You have the beautiful gift of children and that is the best gift in life and they will pick you up at your lowest and guide you through.
I wish you all the best for the future mate you deserve it but what a spirit you have.
By the way i am still miffed with martinez
when someone says they have bouts of depression does it mean that their depression has been triggered by something external in their environment i.e. a sad film on tv etc..?

Erm i don't think thats always the case.

Sometimes it can be, sometimes mine are. I can be fine one minute, then all it takes is to hear or see something and it feels like a tap has been turned on in my head. Sometimes it lasts minutes, other times months.

But in other cases there doesn't have to be a trigger as such, it just happens.

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