I'll write it down without the rude bits.
Me: "So are all the people who defended Suarez, and made fun of people like me who called out his racism and called us bitter and [bad word] stirrers, going to admit he's a racist now he plays for another team? He always was a [bad word]. The leopard hasn't changed his spots."
Him: "No."
Me (quoting another fan called RockyKlopp who said 'if this is how he treats his ex team, he definitely did mean what he said to a United fan in a racial connotation'): "So NOW you admit it."
Him: "RockyKlopp doesn't speak for me or anyone I know. Evra is a homophonic (sic) [bad word] stirring [bad word] with a history of [bad word]housery."
That hurt. When someone you really look up to thinks you're bitter just because you dislike a racist player, that hurts.