I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive because it’s a genuine question that i’ve wondered for some time, it’s certainly not intended to come across as patronising or hurtful in any way. What is the point where feeling sad, anxious, stressed or disinterested becomes “I have depression”?
A few years ago at 25 after losing my job, I decided to try and build an online business. I had no savings, no working capital, I sofa surfed and relied on generosity from my family for the best part of 2 years. My weight ballooned from about 13st to 19st, my girlfriend of 6 years left me and my health really suffered.
During that time, as you’d expect I had bouts of loneliness, anxiety, stress and hopelessness over the last few years and without getting into a p’~^*•g contest with anyone, it got to the point where i didn’t want to go out, attend social situations etc.
During that time, I could have very easily been diagnosed with depression. For some people, I can totally understand how diagnosis and medications helps them reach some semblance of normality and gets them through the day. However, it seems to be becoming much more common recently, and my own personal experience with Doctors is that they are too eager to suggest anti-depressants as a solution to life’s many problems and challenges
For me, a sustained lack of exercise and poor diet will make anyone feel low. I believed (whether rightly or wrongly) that being overweight, having no money and feeling utterly worthless wasn’t a good enough reason, at least not in my head, to seek help. Nobody could give me the help I truly required. That could only come from me.
If I wanted to feel better, I knew the solution was to eat less junk, start exercising again, find a way to make some cash (whether that be a new job or working harder to make my business work) and find some meaning in life again, none of that was going to be overnight or easy.
And this is the great thing about this thread in particular, it struck me a long time ago that these are very typical emotions and challenges that everyone faces at some point in life to varying degrees, often during our younger years when the world seems it’s most daunting. It’s great to see so many people sharing and the positivity that this elicits.
I’m almost 30 now, I have a moderately successful, growing business and I get married next Saturday. Everything isn’t peachy but it’s better. Incidentally, my fiancee was on Sertraline when we very first met as she struggled with losing her job and the break up of her parents marriage. She used to say that the tablets “helped her get through the day”. I can understand this, but it’s okay not to be okay about that. We talked and I suggested why she would want to take pills to feel okay about things that are perfectly reasonable and normal to feel down about. At her own pace, she weaned herself off and quickly returned to a much better place. Though again, life is still not perfect and rarely is.
It’s something i’ve been thinking about a lot recently as one of the lads I play Football with has signed off work as he gets used to the well-documented side effects of Prozac. His doctor prescribed him this after he complained of panic attacks, anxiety and insomnia. However he also drinks a lot, takes Cocaine and smokes a lot of Weed. I’ve suggested to him that laying off the other stuff first would improve his life no end. Perhaps to the point where he wouldn’t need the prozac and could go to work. To me that makes perfect sense but I understand it’s not always that cut and dry for everyone. In both a physical and mental sense, taking all of that stuff is a recipe for disaster.
My Nan used to say that life is all about “making it through as best you can, in your own way” and “finding happiness in the simplest things” and for those that are diagnosed and take medication, I wish you only the best in finding happiness and contentment in your life. There is no judgement from me as every case is entirely different. This isn’t about strength or weakness either, I just wanted to get some feedback from others on where the line is drawn for them.
I guess I’ve answered my own question in that the line is drawn differently for everyone. I contemplated deleting this post but it was a pretty cathartic experience typing it all up, I hope nobody is insulted by any insinuations i’ve made as that’s absolutely not my intention.