Bit insecure about something, just want to write it out and get it off my chest.
My new work has been going good really, nearly a year in now and feel very settled and think I'm very well liked and appreciated. It's just why I cant I shake this feeling that things are going TOO well?
I'm very much an individual and act like one. I'm polite, helpful and funny towards my colleagues but I'm also distant with them. I deliberately don't divulge personal information about myself whereas everyone else seems to share everything about their lives. That's their choice, but it's definitely not what I want to be doing with colleagues. I have a small circle of close friends, people I feel I can let loose with.
Tonight was our Christmas night out. I went along and was there a few hours but left once I began to feel like I wasnt enjoying myself. I tried to mix and be amiable but I just couldn't stop feeling like I was out of place, I decided to quietly slip away when everyone was up dancing. It was a nice evening out but I wasnt determined to stay out and get hammered but didn't want to make a thing out of leaving.
I keep having feelings of insecurity, like perhaps my lack of integrating myself is going to count against me at some point. Am i being paranoid?