@Cardano , I'd like to think u wont get looked down on or abuse in this thread. Posters on here are generally genuine people suffering from different issues and it's been a good help to me. I cant relate to your situation but fair play for having the balls to be so honest. I hope your mates do have some sort of intervention for you, it sounds like u do need some tough Love. Good luck mate
Cheers for responding man.
I think I mentioned about getting a negative reaction in relation to the hard drugs.
I do think I deserve a bit of dressing down to be honest and I’m happy to take it. I don’t think I’m dim at all and have become an innocent victim of bad drugs. I should know better and I’ve made some pretty irresponsible decisions. So yeah, if it comes in a package that also contains a little empathy and support, I can accept a bit of a bollocking.
I also expected some negativity in another sense too. I’m aware that a lot of people do look at people involved in heroin and crack use with disdain and often disgust. I’ve done it myself in the past. And even amongst people who have plenty of involvement in smoking weed and/or snorting coke, their is a kind of drug hierarchy and they look down on those who use the two ‘untouchables’.
I tell you what though, looking for positives to take from the mess I’ve gotten myself into, one will definitely be a whole different view to those with hard drug problems. I have, I admit, looked at such people in the past as somehow beneath me. I’ve probably held a view that such people are inherently bad people, not to be trusted, people who would rob you blind as soon as your back is turned.
And I’ve learnt that is actually far from the case. Of course, they’re addicts, and a lot of them do go shoplifting to maintain their habit. But when I started getting into this mess, before I got myself ingratiated with dealers directly, I had to go through people I approached on the streets to go and get the stuff for me. And on a good few occasions I put myself in a position where it would’ve been the easiest thing in the world to rob me. I made myself a sitting target. There were times when I actually handed money to complete strangers who were obvious addicts, whilst they disappeared around the corner. I actually expected them to not return. But not once did it happen. Never. And it would have been so so easy for them.
Something else I came across was the bond they seem to have around the experience they all share of withdrawal symptoms. I mixed with a few groups of street homeless and people in and out of homeless hostels. And there is a kind of ‘scene’. Everybody knows of everybody. And just like with any group of people there are individuals who perhaps don’t especially get on with other individuals. I had people slagging others off, telling me what a c**t so and so was and how they couldn’t stand them. And then a few hours later I watched the person who had been mouthing off go and give their target, the c**t, half of their own last bag of heroin. Simply because that person was having withdrawal symptoms. A phrase I often heard was “I won’t see anybody go sick”. This common experience seems to bind them together and look after each other.
So shoplifters? Yeah. To be kept an eye on? Yeah. Angels? No. But scum of the earth without morals and prepared to do anyone over to ensure their own comfort. Well not exactly.
I was genuinely surprised and will take a lot from that. If I ever get through my current mess I think I want to look into working with street homeless and/or addicts.
Sorry i went into one a bit there and this thread probably isn’t appropriate for this kind of post so I’ll rein it in in future. But that is a genuine positive I’ll take from this abyss.