You’re not suited to the nine to five working life mate. Plenty of people like you. I’m like it myself, but always find a way to just stay afloat.
So much more out there for you. Take some time and have a think about what you really want to do and what you want out of life.
Losing a job can quite often be the best thing to happen to people. Gives someone a chance to reflect and gain a perspective they’re not searching for when they’re in a settled job.
You see the thing is mate I think I do suit that life. That's what has caused me problems, the fact i won't fully integrate with my office colleagues who take pride in referring to each other as a family. They say it seriously, without irony. That's alien to me, especially when I've been there only 10 months.
Kim Cattrall said it best when addressing her relationship with the others she worked with on SITC. She said "we've never been friends. We're colleagues. It's a very healthy mindset to have, to keep a clear line between your professional life and your personal."
Clearly they don't view the world like that but I certainly do. They'll have to learn the hard way down the line I think.