I don’t think anyone would force me to drink, lots would encourage my abstinence - the problem will be me feeling like I’m missing out.
Could you try alcohol free beer as a way of still remaining social but without the alcohol?
I don’t think anyone would force me to drink, lots would encourage my abstinence - the problem will be me feeling like I’m missing out.
I would pointout here that @GrandOldTeam agreed to let me write some stuff for the main site here and I have totally failed to submit anything. I sit down and there is nothing there. So a thousand apologies for that. Throw it on the failure pile.
Could you try alcohol free beer as a way of still remaining social but without the alcohol?
I find this helps a lot when I'm not drinking.Could you try alcohol free beer as a way of still remaining social but without the alcohol?
I tried that stuff once and actually felt drunk. Damn placebo effect.
Some of it actually tastes like beer now too.
The early stuff was dreadful.
You are a born writer, always a pleasure to read your posts and I look forward to you writing a few articles for GOTI'm fully aware I need to sit down and do something. I even started bouncing a few openers about in my head this morning... I'll need to dive into the abyss of some other clubs forums to bring it to fruition, though.
Maybe this weekend.
I too have paid the price for this attitude but on reflection it comes down to this (in my case at least)… If I genuinely loved what I did for a job I would be thrilled to share it with people who were also passionate. As it stands, I have never been able to understand why people form emotional attachments to something they do for money and I keep myself separate from those people. I don't go to work parties, I don't go to after work drinks, I do my job and go home. This is not to say I am unpersonable or unapproachable in my time in the office.
This can lead to you being seen as stand-offish or not a team-player and only you can decide if it's worth it.
But, in my humble opinion, anybody who sees their employer as a "family" is, at some point, in for a massive shock. Families don't take each other out the back and give them the bullet for overcooking the roast a couple of times.
I remember when I started this job (the one I moan about in here ad infinitum) back in May and a friend of a friend who works in recruitment (hawwwwk spit!) asked me "what do you expect from your new role?" and my answer was "Money at the end of every month". He replied that this was really sad and that I needed to find a company who's values match my own. I could not believe that an otherwise intelligent 36 year old could swallow and believe this nonsense, but apparently there are a lot of people who do. You and I are maybe just outliers.
*Edit: A French colleague just told me my accent is cool. I'm all turned around on the matter!
I'm fully aware I need to sit down and do something. I even started bouncing a few openers about in my head this morning... I'll need to dive into the abyss of some other clubs forums to bring it to fruition, though.
Maybe this weekend.
If you need an assistant, I`m sure @Keiran would help you out, he also has a way with words too lol
If you need an assistant, I`m sure @Keiran would help you out, he also has a way with words too lol
Just realised, a year ago today I had a day cycling and an exclusive with Bradley Wiggins. Then we got pissed. Then I wrote it up for the Guardian, for money.
Families don't take each other out the back and give them the bullet for overcooking the roast a couple of times.