Hi everyone.
Things have settled down for me over the past few weeks, I've been fine and not had experienced anything which has really got me down. I didn't leave my job (still looking for something better) because I voiced my concerns and changes were made and flaws ironed out that helped me and others feel a lot more comfortable in the work we were doing.
Still going out on most weekends, only for a few drinks or sit around with my friends because after a hard week it's good to unwind, but nothing over the top. I hope something materialises soon which gives me something new to focus on, I still feeling a bit bored and am waiting for something exciting to come along in my life but other than that things are okay.
Sorry to hear other people are having problems at work, I've been there myself and God it can be horrible. I don't really have issues with anyone at the moment, the previous incident with a colleague who said nasty stuff to me daily went away because she got the message to jack it in or face consequences so she did and now we work apart anyway.
From my own experience I think work isn't the best place to talk about your personal life because you never really know who you can trust with sensitive information. There are certain things that managers and other people in authority should be made aware about, if you have certain commitments or struggles that require understanding and flexibility they need to know so they can help if a difficult scenario ever comes about. If they do nowt to help or show compassion then that's a crying shame but the only thing you can do make a note of it mentally so you know that that person isn't someone who has your back in future. Never forget who was there to help in times of need and who wasn't. Always judge a person by their character and a perfect way to see what type of character a person has deep down is to see what they do when they could go out of their for someone. Many people have kind hearts and will help someone purely out of kindness but unfortunately also a lot of people won't do anything for anyone else unless they feel there's something in it for them, they're the type of people you need to try to root out and avoid in life.
On the "shop floor" though, amongst your direct colleagues, I wouldn't tell people anything they can later use against you because people will gossip or bitch, it's human nature unfortunately. Offices in particular can be difficult to cope with, a lot of people are two-faced and share dirt on each other because being cooped up together for hours on end causes tensions. I've been in that exact situation before where I'm convinced people who are whispering are talking about me, it's a terribly upsetting state of mind. Best to do in that case is simply DON'T LOOK AT THEM. Don't give your brain the mental image and allow it draw a conclusion. If people are talking about you, and you can't know for certain, if they see that you're clearly not bothered they'll get bored and stop.
I'm always around if anyone needs to chat. Stay strong and never forget there will always be someone here to listen if you need it.