Hello mate how are you today??
Here’s my story.
In 2017 on my 41st birthday I was diagnosed with a large brain tumour (Acoustic neuroma) i remember it like it was yesterday, a scorching day driving to the hospital for my results with my wife and my daughter. I was happy as Larry unbeknown to what news I was about to receive.
The moment came when the doctor told me they had found something and I only had the scan because my medical for my job I have to do every 2 years, but I told them my hearing was gradually getting worse on my left side ever since I was a kid. Anyway they sent me for MRI scan as a precaution but that’s when they discovered my tumour.
After diagnosis I played the ‘man’ role of not letting it effect me, this was to stop my family worrying but deep down I was scared, as scared as I’ve ever been about anything. It was my biggest mistake in my whole life. Getting closer to my operation which was in the October 2017 I could feel the anxiety, fear, depression building up inside of me and would be telling my mrs to go out or the shops just so I could breakdown alone (she didn’t know that at the time) and not in front of them, again because of this ‘man thing’
On October 12th I went in for my 15 hour brain op. It obviously well or I wouldn’t be here now typing this (although some might disagree with what crap I post in other threads ha)
The months and years that followed I suffered so much with how I looked, how felt in myself, and the struggles that came with it emotionally and still do to a certain extent today but not so much. I didn’t want to leave the house, my self esteem was on the floor and confidence absolutely shot.
The moral of my story is there’s light at the end of every tunnel we all go down. Life’s not easy at all for anyone. How I dealt with my struggles was by changing my mindset, give yourself small goals to achieve, have some structure for each day, and in that I mean not laying in bed or doing nothing gives you too much thinking time and for me that’s when your thoughts go into overdrive. After my op
I used to look around me and think everyone’s life was perfect but mine buts it’s not, far from it mate. We all have struggles on different levels for different reasons. Keep talking mate to anyone on here friends/family it helps and everytime you talk the better you will feel, trust me it helps more than anything you will feel a release of anxiety after it and your thoughts become a lot more clearer.
You’re on the right path mate keep going and as others in here have said you’ve done the hardest part by opening up.