Hi mate,
I`m no expert but it sounds like you`ve had a massive panic attack ?
Have you been really worried about stuff leading up to it / suffer with anxiety generally ?
I`ve never had a panic attack, but I`ve suffered with anxiety problems for well over a decade now and the problem with it, is that it can become all consuming.
You end up in constant cycle of worry and anxiety, to the point where even the most simple things, like leaving the house can become problematic.
You can then reach a point where you become worried about being worried and become stuck in this loop of anxiety.
It`s brilliant that you went to your GP and the advice that your GP gave is spot on too.
First things first, anti depressants aren`t addictive in any way.
Anti anxiety medication - Vailum, Ativan, etc is.
Anti depressants and anti anxiety medication are two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.
Some anti depressants have anti anxiety properties built into them, but aren`t addictive.
What an anti depressant does, is hopefully switch of the chemical imbalance that`s causing the problems in your brain and enable you to " reset ".
It`s very hit and miss with anti depressants, as what works for you, may not work for me and vice versa, so it can sometimes take a while to find the right one and the correct dosage too.
You have nothing at all to fear from them and they normally take a couple of weeks to kick in.
The very wrongly get called " happy pills " . They`re nothing of the sort, what they`re there for is to hopefully make you feel " normal " again.
Therapy, will teach you to understand what`s happening to yourself and why, then hopefully teach you coping mechanisms.
Caffeine and alcohol massively ramp up anxiety too, so cut them down if poss.
Caffeine as it`s a stimulant and alcohol as it`s a depressant - hangovers cause a chemical imbalance in your brain and turbo charge the anxiety.
Lastly exercise is brilliant for anxiety, as the endorphins that get released make you feel really good ( even if it hurt like hell at the time ! )
As I said mate, I`m no expert, but I`ve lived with this for a long time, so I`ve learnt a lot through the experience of living with it and also trial and error.
Please DM if you want to chat about anything that you`re not sure of or worried about mate.
@Spotty can also give you some excellent advice, from his wealth of professional experience in the field too.