I've been working from home for a year now. I miss my office - just the general buzz of randomly chatting to people and if you want some advice just being able to go and ask rather than having to check if the person is available, then skype them. I miss spontaneity ,my job can be quite grim at times , there is a lot of dark humour involved, that actually protects our mental health. I can't run into the living room and tell my husband something and expect him to find it funny ( and would be breaching confidentiality. My team mates would understand but that lack of being able to do that i quite hard sometimes. I dealt with a case a couple of weeks ago that meant I had to read both the serious case reviews on Baby P. That was horrific. It wa hard sitting on my own and not being able to share my thoughts.
There have been benefits, I've saved about £35 a week on petrol and not going to the supermarket across the road from the office every day before work has also saved me a small fortune!
I feel as though I've rambled a lot in this post but what I'm trying to say is I know exactly how you feel. Do we work from home or live in work?