Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Thanks @Gwladysover I am fine atm but I certainly will post when I feel up to it.
EFC Girl, please remember you are entitled to support if your mental health deteriorates. Seek support and IF you can, " recognise " the signs your mental health is getting worse and get the help BEFORE you get worse.
As for being discharged after 15 years suggests to me the mental health services you no longer need it. However, I will say this, the amount of times I've been in meetings when I've highlighted the fact that unless we support people to enable them to live independently on discharge, they will end up back in crisis. I'm all for people living autonomously, but don't throw people in the deep end and " set them up to fail ".

Suffice to say I feel strongly that there isn't enough joined up caring. Sorry for the rant EFC Girl, good luck.
Thanks @Gwladysover I am fine atm but I certainly will post when I feel up to it.
Hi all, I’ve lurked on this forum for years. I’ve had a season ticket since 2000/01. I used to go the match with my dad. In summer 2020 he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and after a pretty awful 9 months he died in April 2021, he was 67. It’s approaching a year since he died and I still feel rotten. People trot out the line ‘it gets easier with time’ but it really doesn’t feel like that! My mum died when I was 6 we were really close, he was my best mate.
I debated over renewing my season ticket but eventually decided I would. It’s been tough going this year, and not just because of the poor performances on the pitch! Still feels strange walking across the park on my own.
Anyway, I don’t really know why I’m posting this- I think mainly because I’ve recently started posting more regularly and it’s good to have a place where I can vent about our poor performances and talk about the game. Silly as it sounds, being able to come on here and talk footie feels like a small step to feeling ok!
I'm so srry about your Dad. Froom what you said you had a very loving close relationship. Cherish those memories of him. I'm sure he is still with you. There is no time limit on grief, you are still mourning him. Take your time and it is completely understandable that you still feel such loss. Keep posting.
Honestly, I'm not in a good way. It's mothers day of course, it must be great to have a mum. But that's not what is really bothering me, it's my chronic effing back pain that just won't go away. My one remaining option would be to pay for disc replacement, but I don't know how much it costs, (you can't find a menu, you need to have a costly consultation before they will give you a price).

Further, the specialists that I have seen so far have not recommended surgery. The NHS is just useless imo, and they always have cost concerns to consider when deciding what should and not should not be commissioned. But even a private specialist has advised me against it, but he also said that if you're willing to pay then I will find someone, but there is always a chance it could fail or even make things worse

I've also got no bloody energy, although I was diagnosed with Covid last week, so I may not be over that yet. It's all just so depressing, and I'm not being melodramatic in saying I don't know how much more I can take. I'd have a good life if it wasn't for this crap back of mine. I'd be able to hold down a good job and have fun.

I really don't know what to do, but I can't go on like this.

@Dymak I have zero medical qualifications so could not advise you on what treatment is best for you. Have you asked to be referred to a pain clinic which may help you manage the chronic pain. I can tell you from personal experience that your lack of energy is most likely due to COVID. It took me weeks to get over that bit. Don't give up though. Keep badgering the medics to look for solutions, ask loads of questions, write stuff down if you think of something to ask so you don't forget. Hope you get some relief soon
Honestly, I'm not in a good way. It's mothers day of course, it must be great to have a mum. But that's not what is really bothering me, it's my chronic effing back pain that just won't go away. My one remaining option would be to pay for disc replacement, but I don't know how much it costs, (you can't find a menu, you need to have a costly consultation before they will give you a price).

Further, the specialists that I have seen so far have not recommended surgery. The NHS is just useless imo, and they always have cost concerns to consider when deciding what should and not should not be commissioned. But even a private specialist has advised me against it, but he also said that if you're willing to pay then I will find someone, but there is always a chance it could fail or even make things worse

I've also got no bloody energy, although I was diagnosed with Covid last week, so I may not be over that yet. It's all just so depressing, and I'm not being melodramatic in saying I don't know how much more I can take. I'd have a good life if it wasn't for this crap back of mine. I'd be able to hold down a good job and have fun.

I really don't know what to do, but I can't go on like this.
Anjel that is a great post by the way. Proof positive you don't need medical qualifications to offer good advice.

Dymac I'm so sorry that your experiencing physical and mental health problems. As you know, when you have constant pain it it all encompassing, all of your thoughts being brought back kicking and screaming back to the fact that your in pain. What I would do. Go to my GP - which you've already done no doubt - and tell him / her again how it's affecting your life. Request the strongest pain relief. Literally say " if this is not sorted I'll end up killing myself ". That level of honesty is needed. Anjel was spot on, being referred to a pain clinic is great advice and I'm sure would be helpful. Back problems are notoriously difficult to get the better of but you my friend can and will get to the point in your life where your health is improving.

If you get to the point where your suicidal buddy, call the police and tell them your suicidal, go to A & E and present yourself there. Seek help from friend and family. I appreciate it's very difficult but remember you can and will get better. You have a lot to offer, people will be dependent on you and I'm sure you have a lot to give people. Stick with it and take care. If you ever need to talk please DM me if you feel the need I will support you as much as I can. Take care.
Anjel that is a great post by the way. Proof positive you don't need medical qualifications to offer good advice.

Dymac I'm so sorry that your experiencing physical and mental health problems. As you know, when you have constant pain it it all encompassing, all of your thoughts being brought back kicking and screaming back to the fact that your in pain. What I would do. Go to my GP - which you've already done no doubt - and tell him / her again how it's affecting your life. Request the strongest pain relief. Literally say " if this is not sorted I'll end up killing myself ". That level of honesty is needed. Anjel was spot on, being referred to a pain clinic is great advice and I'm sure would be helpful. Back problems are notoriously difficult to get the better of but you my friend can and will get to the point in your life where your health is improving.

If you get to the point where your suicidal buddy, call the police and tell them your suicidal, go to A & E and present yourself there. Seek help from friend and family. I appreciate it's very difficult but remember you can and will get better. You have a lot to offer, people will be dependent on you and I'm sure you have a lot to give people. Stick with it and take care. If you ever need to talk please DM me if you feel the need I will support you as much as I can. Take care.
That is great advice by yourself and Anjel I hope that Dymak listens to it, especially about carrying going to your GP and hammering home the amount of pain you are in, stress the mental anguish you are going through which is as distressing as the pain you are suffering, don’t let him or her push you to one side but strive to make them understand how much you need seeing to by specialists in this field, eventually they will pay attention to your needs.Best of luck getting yourself seen to, nobody should be left like this and never ever feel like you are being a nuisance, you are not, you are just trying to get the attention your pain deserves.

Not great at the moment. Wasting money on something every day, sometimes it's hundreds a week, and it feels like I am properly struggling to get a grip of it now. I geniunely do think I'm addicted tbh, I can't manage more than a few days free of it. Terrified my family will find out.

Fell out with my best mate recently and it had been building. He's not an especially good influence (he's gotten involved in certain stuff that I want nothing to do with) but I knew he had my back if I needed him, not getting that sense as much anymore though. Even if/when we break the ice again, I don't think we can 'best' mates going forwards. We're going our different ways in life clearly and are generally just sick of each other (this is all completely separate to the first paragraph btw).

Work is okay but I can't shake this feeling the rug could get pulled out from under me any day. I'm popular (from what I gather at least) and good at what I do, just I'm utterly paranoid due to my outside problems. I know myself that I've been snappier than usual the last few weeks.

Obviously the situation with the club isn't helping matters, to be honest I think I'm ready to just totally sack football off entirely because how obviously rigged it is.

Maybe I need a long rest at home (I have holidays to use but I worry my addiction will get worse if I'm at home during these times). Don't feel any motivation at all to do much exercise either, I know it can help but even if I got myself much fitter I doubt it would do to help me at this point.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me, would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Not great at the moment. Wasting money on something every day, sometimes it's hundreds a week, and it feels like I am properly struggling to get a grip of it now. I geniunely do think I'm addicted tbh, I can't manage more than a few days free of it. Terrified my family will find out.

Fell out with my best mate recently and it had been building. He's not an especially good influence (he's gotten involved in certain stuff that I want nothing to do with) but I knew he had my back if I needed him, not getting that sense as much anymore though. Even if/when we break the ice again, I don't think we can 'best' mates going forwards. We're going our different ways in life clearly and are generally just sick of each other (this is all completely separate to the first paragraph btw).

Work is okay but I can't shake this feeling the rug could get pulled out from under me any day. I'm popular (from what I gather at least) and good at what I do, just I'm utterly paranoid due to my outside problems. I know myself that I've been snappier than usual the last few weeks.

Obviously the situation with the club isn't helping matters, to be honest I think I'm ready to just totally sack football off entirely because how obviously rigged it is.

Maybe I need a long rest at home (I have holidays to use but I worry my addiction will get worse if I'm at home during these times). Don't feel any motivation at all to do much exercise either, I know it can help but even if I got myself much fitter I doubt it would do to help me at this point.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me, would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
What are you wasting the money on mate .?
Not great at the moment. Wasting money on something every day, sometimes it's hundreds a week, and it feels like I am properly struggling to get a grip of it now. I geniunely do think I'm addicted tbh, I can't manage more than a few days free of it. Terrified my family will find out.

Fell out with my best mate recently and it had been building. He's not an especially good influence (he's gotten involved in certain stuff that I want nothing to do with) but I knew he had my back if I needed him, not getting that sense as much anymore though. Even if/when we break the ice again, I don't think we can 'best' mates going forwards. We're going our different ways in life clearly and are generally just sick of each other (this is all completely separate to the first paragraph btw).

Work is okay but I can't shake this feeling the rug could get pulled out from under me any day. I'm popular (from what I gather at least) and good at what I do, just I'm utterly paranoid due to my outside problems. I know myself that I've been snappier than usual the last few weeks.

Obviously the situation with the club isn't helping matters, to be honest I think I'm ready to just totally sack football off entirely because how obviously rigged it is.

Maybe I need a long rest at home (I have holidays to use but I worry my addiction will get worse if I'm at home during these times). Don't feel any motivation at all to do much exercise either, I know it can help but even if I got myself much fitter I doubt it would do to help me at this point.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me, would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Sorry to hear things aren't good at the moment, mate. People often underestimate how the situation with Everton can affect people; if things aren't going well in life generally, bad football results only make things much worse. Football is something most of us look to as an escape after the hard day or week is done, so when something that's supposed to be "fun" goes very sour (as it has this season), it's very hard to take - it becomes yet another ordeal on top of all those everyday ones. But for what it's worth, we're all in the same boat on this particular one and, beyond willing the team on, we're powerless to influence it, so we just have to let it take its course (easier said than done, I know).

As for spending (or wasting) money: you haven't said on what, not that it really matters, but I remember when, as a young man, I first started working, I was quite happy blowing my pay packet on all sorts of stuff I previously hadn't had the money for, but one day I realised that it made no difference to my happiness - if anything, it made me less happy, because I felt I'd spent what I'd worked hard for on a whole load of tat. Which isn't to say that I didn't buy things from that point on (I still buy some rubbish), but I think once you look ahead and imagine that you've bought whatever it is you have your eye on, you sometimes realise that a particular purchase isn't going to change your life for the better; then you can swerve it, and concentrate on maybe getting those things that you really can see improving your life, mood, spirits, and so on.

Anyway, take care, mate - there are many great people in this thread that can advise you much better than I can, but I have no doubt that you can turn this around (if only I had the same confidence in Everton...)

All the best.
Never really been in here, but hope people are doing OK and have the support they need.

Having a bad few weeks. I'm OK, just finding things really hard and never knowing what to say.

MiL going through 2nd bout of cancer treatment for bowel cancer which has spread to lungs through lymph nodes. Diagnosed march last year, went through treatment for 6 months and surgery but unfortunately it spread and she has just started immunotherapy. Been really poorly last few weeks and in and out of hospital and I just feel like I'm constantly letting my partner down as I don't know what to say or do. Last year was tough as lockdown had meant we hadn't seen her much.

I work with traumatised children as well and carry a lot of secondary trauma (which I am aware of and have support through work for) and had some really difficult and upsetting cases so far this year.

Life's a b**** really. MiL doesn't deserve it, none of the kids I work with deserve it. Just a bit helpless with so much of it.


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