I posted this in the DCL thread but I’m just going to put it here too because it definitely crosses overIf you’ve ever seen the look in someone’s eyes who is really suffering with depression it’s a look that you only understand if you’ve seen it. I saw it when he missed the penalty against Brighton. Somebody who felt so low and didn’t know it/understand why.
Footballers are idolised for what they do on the pitch. But real leadership or character is what kind of person they are in the real world and I think Dom is a trailblazer in the sense that in the hyper masculine world of premier league football he is not ashamed to be him self and to be honest about how he feels and by being authentic and brave enough to set an example for others men imparticular.
His goal to save our club from relegation will go down in our history as one of the most important in history. But what he’s done off it could really be more important in that it’s not far fetched to say that it could save lives. And there is no stat for that.
Nice post anjel. Can I add that carers are VERY close to my heart. They save the Govt millions, literally millions. Of particular concern to me is " young carers ". I can't elaborate because I find it very very upsetting just to talk about young carers. What I will say for the benefit of everybody. If you are caring, or THINK you are taking up a carers role, you can go to your local council and request a " Carers Assesment ". Someone will visit you from Social Services and carry out a holistic - fancy word for looking at everything - assessment and look at all of needs, physical, mental and financial.Yes, this is true. It is also worth knowing that carers are covered and protected by the Equality Act.
If you are looking after someone who is elderly or disabled, the law will protect you from direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities. This is because you are counted as being 'associated' with someone who is protected by the law because of their age or disability. Disability means a long term condition that has lasted for 12 months.
Good post NathReally brave of Dom, and I hope he stays with us.
I’ve put this in his thread, I’m trying to be a better version of me and I’m ashamed of some of my comments about his injuries or attitude, and also about Michael Keane - I’m going to do better.
To anyone struggling with anything, there’s no shame in asking for help - there’s only shame in people not helping or respecting what battles you are facing, whoever they are and whatever they do for a living.
Since my father's passing I have been struggling to smile again, lost my way. I came over to liverpool to sort out funeral arrangements and then returned to Ireland. After one day I received an email to say there was a coroners inquest into my father's death. Unbeknown to me and family my father had asbestosis from work in camell lairds years ago. He never told us of his suffering albeit he had it since the age of 43, 88 when he passed. Can't but help to think he suffered alone.
So sorry for you’re loss bud, it’s exactly how Matty has said, he didn’t want you to worry about him - sounds like he’s from theSince my father's passing I have been struggling to smile again, lost my way. I came over to liverpool to sort out funeral arrangements and then returned to Ireland. After one day I received an email to say there was a coroners inquest into my father's death. Unbeknown to me and family my father had asbestosis from work in camell lairds years ago. He never told us of his suffering albeit he had it since the age of 43, 88 when he passed. Can't but help to think he suffered alone.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your father.Since my father's passing I have been struggling to smile again, lost my way. I came over to liverpool to sort out funeral arrangements and then returned to Ireland. After one day I received an email to say there was a coroners inquest into my father's death. Unbeknown to me and family my father had asbestosis from work in camell lairds years ago. He never told us of his suffering albeit he had it since the age of 43, 88 when he passed. Can't but help to think he suffered alone.
If it your dad was fitting plumbing on the 1950 Ark Royal then they both would have worked on that ship at the time, mateIt's a shame mate that hard working men that just wanted to put food on the table, put themselves in such danger, my dad was a ships plumber, he welded on the ark royal and subs. You never know they could of been on same crew.
Sorry to hear mate!Since my father's passing I have been struggling to smile again, lost my way. I came over to liverpool to sort out funeral arrangements and then returned to Ireland. After one day I received an email to say there was a coroners inquest into my father's death. Unbeknown to me and family my father had asbestosis from work in camell lairds years ago. He never told us of his suffering albeit he had it since the age of 43, 88 when he passed. Can't but help to think he suffered alone.
Small world eh. My dad often talked about that ship to me. I am very proud of him. Just wish I could still talk to him. All the best mate.If it your dad was fitting plumbing on the 1950 Ark Royal then they both would have worked on that ship at the time, mate
My grandparents always talked about the launch day
Sorry to hear your sad news, my father's lungs were covered in benign plaques due to asbestos poisoning. If we as a family wanted to take it further then we would have to pay for another autopsy. Dad was made redundant when lairds shut down in 80s. My father was exposed to it when he was 43. He was 88 when he passed.Sorry to hear mate!
My dad has just found out 3 weeks ago he has Mesothelioma cancer (asbestos) it was heartbreaking to find out.
Did your dad have it for over 40 years? because from what I've been told by the oncologist he has said 6-8 months if he doesn't have any treatment or 12-18 if he goes through Chemo.