Not sure if anyone else spotted this, but when Jimmy Gabriel passed away a few weeks ago, Consho posted some nice comments, and he mentioned that a few years ago he had the honour of doing the eulogy at Dave Hickson’s funeral.
Bill Kenwright did the eulogy at Dave Hickson’s funeral.
A fantasy about a fantasist? How appropriate.Not sure if anyone else spotted this, but when Jimmy Gabriel passed away a few weeks ago, Consho posted some nice comments, and he mentioned that a few years ago he had the honour of doing the eulogy at Dave Hickson’s funeral.
Bill Kenwright did the eulogy at Dave Hickson’s funeral.
Worst thing about this thread is I’m now craving a bacon buttie!
I actually went the barbers when I was a kid, and asked for an Alan Biley haircut.... it did not end as I had hoped!
appreciate your comment but is an everton football fans forum and as such I rightly or wrongly believe there has to be a limit to the abuse directed at the clubs manager...the use of the word pig in my view has exceeded that limit
It would be interesting to hear from one of the moderators re my post
There is. Pig isn’t it.
I wait with bated breath to see if you found this interesting
Danny canned him, (by request) earlier today J. As per, he didnt do the paperwork though.
Shoddy if you ask me, so dont.
And here's me thinking this forum is too far the other way..banning and giving warnings for what I would consider mild comments...What next? Warning members for criticising a professional footballers performance - as you have. Some could say that's lacking respect.
Request fulfilled.
Good luck finding any other platform that meets your standard.
It's remarkable how much of an increase we've seen in the past 24 months of people who think they can be offended for something very minor on the behalf of someone else, and that they can dictate policy. It's almost like a desire to prove their better than others - toxic levels of self arrogance.