Wonder why the Middle Eastern countries are hesitant to take in as many refugees as Europe and North America?
Any stats on how many are being taken in by other poor but safe countries, for example in South America or Eastern Europe?
I don't feel refugees should be able to pick and choose where they are settled. First safe country they get to should be where they stay.
On another note, can't wait for my taxes to go up next year thanks to Frau Merkel's reckless policy to let anybody and everybody in, give them free healthcare (that I pay 5k a year for) and free housing to boot. Didn't one of the fellas who helped kill over 100 in Paris come into Europe under the guise of a refugee, then take advantage of the no-checking policy between certain borders? What a great place to live. Anyway, that's off topic, just wanted to get that off my chest.