It seems the majority of people on here who support Trump don't actually live in America.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
It seems the majority of people on here who support Trump don't actually live in America.
Interesting. I was actually thinking the opposite as the last three presidential nominees (McCain, Romney and Trump) have not been trusted by social conservatives, especially Trump given his lifestyle, long term support of Democrats, supported abortion until fairly recently.
Republican party leader telling House Republicans to head for the lifeboats and save themselves as believes no hope of Trump winning.You will have to translate that for us LL.
Republican party leader telling House Republicans to head for the lifeboats and save themselves as believes no hope of Trump winning.
Blimey. Ta.
Wow, if this is correct, huge swing in 1 week
I thought what both Trump and Clinton actually said in the debate more or less cancelled each other out. On the debate I thought it was very much a dis-honourable draw. Where Clinton came across better was in that she looked much more statesman like in the way see conducted herself.
Trump, in my opinion, came across as a reactionary and he tended to react in an angry manner. Some might see this as passion, I prefer to see a leader of a country being much more circumspect.
I thought, before the debate, that Trump needed to win decisively to bring himself back in the race, he didn't get that decisive win and the polls seem to reflect that.
Clinton's inability to put him away is surely a poor reflection on her.
What about this for a conspiracy theory, Clinton wants to face Trump in the actual election, she knows she can beat him, if the Republicans were to pull him and replace him with a more palatable candidate she would struggle.
Too late for that.
The Republicans have made their bed and will have to lie in it.
You'll find it is. More so considering his opponent.