Those women are on a fame grabbing mission. One is alcoholic and ones relatively has already stated that shes doing it just for the 15minutes of fame.
Operation red herring
Trump is building up a law suit against NY Times as we speak.
Zatara im ignoring you but I give you a little tip. Stop it before youre getting a stamp into your forehead *sexist*
This whole thing is perfect example of how operation red herrings are used and build up.
Just let them believe what they want and ignore what they want...Sadly they dont want to see the unpleasant big picture here.
@Bruce Wayne said, it has been hard not to believe you are being a WUM but I reckon its very clear you are not.
Get off your high horse thinking that just because a lot of people are disagreeing with you and ridiculing Trump that it means they buy into any media brainwashing or conspiracy.
Most interested parties in this will be well aware of how the media works. In regards to their bias, to the spin they put on all stories and finally the timing of some stories. You seem to think we don't know that the stories about Trump are not conveniently released now because thats how somebody wants it. Its bloody obvious.
It doesn't and shouldn't take away from the mountain of evidence adding up to a picture of a pretty disgusting human being. There is so much that to willully deny it would indicate that you are just as biased and one-eyed as some of the media outlets you are complaining about.
You seem ready and willing to jump on any release about Clinton and seem certain in your views about her actions and inactions. Your comments on this always seem to include comments like witch and other such things...I believe that in real life you'd be changing that w for a b on a regular basis when discussing this topic. Hopefully you can see how people have started to draw their conclusions about sexism and misogyny here.
I think "they",referring to your comment on the other posters, are mostly well aware of the flaws in both candidates so its a dumb comment to suggest your fellow posters on here are ignoring some bigger picture only seen by you. A very dumb comment.
I commented a few days back about how much thought and energy is wasted on this he said/she said nonsense instead of focusing on the overall mess of the polítics systems and quality of governance we experience in our countries. If you want a bigger picture to focus on, focus on that.
Otherwise you are just a raging ape jumping up and down on the same point, and worryingly fixated on one corrupt woman in a world of corrupt politicians.