yeah, all i am saying on the matter is that it is a factor same as it was for barack 8 years ago. Doesn't mean every single person is voting for her because she is female nor does it mean she is going to be elected because of it.
Think you say anything in this thread and it gets labelled as talking about something as if it is the only thing lol but from liverpool, wha ti have seen for a long time is prominant females coming out strongly in support of Hilary. Madonna apparantly was offering sexual acts in return for voting for her (terrible atempt at copying amy schumer who she was introducing at the time) Amy herself being very vocal, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea handler, Ellen de generas, to name just a few. that has been the overall impression of the campaign against trump, and where was the similar singular support for Barack back then? Madonna said nothing then, but suddenly her, and katy perry and all the rest suddenly urging your vote for hilary.
and for the record for anyone who wants to deem me sexist by simply suggesting it, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A FEMALE PRESIDENT NOR AS A POLITICAN AND SHE IS THE BEST PERSON OUT THE TWO FOR THE JOB.
Maybe all them females are democrats and they are supporters of that party.