Bullets in the post....
Visits to the Pope....
Petitions to parliament....
Threatening phone calls in the night.....
Team coach getting smashed....
Effigies/shirts burnt on the streets....
Twitter sites getting rabidly threatened. ..
Aldo frothing at the mouth whilst imbibing masses of aldi's very own sherry and white storm whilst pigeons and bumble bees everywhere tremble in fear...
The "fod" angrily tuting but saying nowt as his minder got knocked off the other week and he couldn't move out of Liverpool fast enough....
King Kenny in his piss stained jammy bottoms with a pic of a crying salah sellotaped to his chest...
Kristian "crybaby" Walsh boohooing whilst fashioning a noose out of one of his old fat man bras to string the two of them up a lamppost.....
Lawro "Older Mother Shipton" predicting they'll lose on his "nostradamus" like BBC Web page whilst opening another window to angrily indulge in some of his specialist "Interests".....
Danny Murphy missus furiously changing his y-fronts as he done a poo poo again as he was so upset at "da bad men"...
Angrily confronted by mobs at lpool airport. ..
Grown men dressed as pharaohs with FKW's followed by the cardinals marching the streets chanting insepid mantras in unison wildly cheered and spurred on like a latter day klu klux klan meet....
Do these poor gits know what they've let themselves in for. It's not a football club anymore it's a weird quasi religious cult nowadays, makes scientology and other crackpot religions (all of them) seem normal. I always thought Trump for president would be the maddest thing I'd ever see, but they've trumped trump!