in memoriam - 1965-2024
Personally I think it is important to point out when some of the more vocal posters are posting half truths or downright lies. I also think it does us no favours as a fan base to allow certain individuals to continually propagate ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Go on Radio 4 then! Christ, its a football forum. Its what football supporters do. Some, granted get a bit too exorcised at times, but hey, thats the nature of the beast. I dont believe on conspiracy theories and refs taking bungs personally, but I do think Sala cheats, (and gets away with it and never gets called up on it). I do think they have been spawny to the max this season, I do think they get preferential treatment from the media, (which IS full of kopites/chase clicks), and I hope they fail miserably so my life is better. And theirs is worse.
And I wouldnt call out any Blue who feels similar.
(They also have a pretty poor record all things racist)