The songs are out of order mate. We had the same songs sung at us at City by a greater number of fans. There was a report out this week that showed 27% of ids in Manchester living in "acute poverty"-the highest in the country I believe. I remember when I was teaching a few years back and it was pretty grim for kids then, so dread to think how people's lives are now. So yes it's a moronic chant and completely self defeating.
That being said so to are Danny Murphy's comments about Evertonians and scousers being on benefits and doing so fraudulently not the same thing? All backed up by dozens of Kopites on twitter (and shamefully some from Liverpool) laughing along at them and resorting to their usual abusive tone when questioned on it, or merely trotting out the "bitter" hashtag (yes in their head standing up for a city's reputation makes you a bitter, but the Tory mindset has rotted to every fibre of that club, starting with the statue of prominent Tories outside the ground).
If singing songs about scouser needing feeding is out of order, so too is "having a joke" and suggesting Evertonian's are all on benefits and fraudulently claiming benefits is also out of order. Yet from what I can see, most reds think the latter is a great joke and those who get offended are fair game for secondary victimisation online. Without failing to see how the attitudes of one shape the attitudes of another.
As a final point, most reds were also falling about laughing to themselves at how wonderful Newcastle fans were for winding Evertonians up. Again no acknowledgement was paid for the fact we had prolonged renditions of exactly the same song from the way end. Again the fact that it annoyed Evertonian's seemed to be a point of hilarity as opposed to solidarity. I am also yet to see any comment from Rafael Benitez to condemn the song which he will have heard. I wonder if we will get any condemnation of him by Liverpool fans? Or is it, when the song is sung to a predominately scouse crowd it's excusable, as they are essentially bitter (or working class, scouser) but when tim and Miles from Surrey have to be on the receiving end, "it's just not cricket old sport"?