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Im not always right, however why is it fans can never have an opinion on here unless its a positive one?
If you slate the manager your wrong
If you slate a player your a hypocrite
You get my point. We all have differing opinions it just gets my back up when im attacked for not thinking the same as others.
You are so right.
Back in August/September, about 5-6 games into the season I posted in this thread that in my opinion Liverpool were the best team in the league and that they had an excellent chance to make it 'their year'. I was ripped a new one, ridiculed, called delusional and laughed at. Yes I went totally overboard in trying to state it as fact, but the fact was they were then and are now playing better than ANYBODY, consistently. My opinion HAS changed. Now I think they will go unbeaten, win the league and the CL, as they are not only the best team in the country, they one of the best teams in Europe.
Do I like that. No, I feckin hate it and wish to god I was wrong, but I'm not. I hope the wheels fall of their season in spectacular fashion like last time, but I just don't think so.