This is the echos content manager for the avoidance of doubt of impartiality
That is one of the most shameful things I have ever seen
Add to that, it's their reasoning and embarrassing attempts to justify it. They have no sense of responsibility nor can they take ownership of their collective actions.Genuinely nothing to do with it being anything to do with us.
More the fact it's an iconic building, probably one of the most iconic and instantly recognisable in the world, a symbol of our city, a building we as scousers are proud of and a building that makes every single one of us smile when we've been anywhere and see it. We smile because we're home and that building more than any other reminds us of the fact.
That's what I'm pissed off about.
That's what I'm fkin feeeewmin about.
Not because we own a bit of it.
Fkin vile scum bringing shame to the city once more.
BBC sky bt have enabled these scum, doesn't matter how they behave they white wash their behaviour.
Genuinely can't stand "are Cilla". The woman who draped herself in the clothes of Thatcher when she made a few quid, and changed teams from Everton to LIverpool to fit in with her new Tory mates. An utter embarrassment and a real shame nobody took her statue down in the city centre. It's a monument of shame.
He's backtrack scurrying this morning and trying to bury it in virtuous retreating ahahahhaahha
Little gremlin.
I suppose it underlines - if it ever needed to be underlined - that Liverpool supporters equate mayhem with support. If there isn't chaos and damage to life and property, it's seen as failure.
This Means More is really another way of saying We'll Do What We 'Kin Want.
And if anyone crosses them or reports the reality of what they do, they'll be abused, blackguarded, maimed or threatened with murder.
They bear no relation to me or any other Evertonian, and they are not reflective of the city of Liverpool as a whole.
This is a pack of hyenas who need sorting out once and for all.