Tag them in mate.The kopites on here are VERY quiet at the moment aren’t they? It’s almost as if their deplorable fanbase have proved us right isn’t it?
Has P Hooton been on Sky channels/radio to blame it all on the frustrations of lockdown yet ?
Well saidBut look at the comments, delete it delete it delete it delete it.... That's all they ever say. If there's no proof that they are a gang of knobheads then they must not be knobheads eh.
I want all of them done the scruffy little mutant meffs. I want everyone to know just how big a Gobshites they are.
But look at the comments, delete it delete it delete it delete it.... That's all they ever say. If there's no proof that they are a gang of knobheads then they must not be knobheads eh.
I want all of them done the scruffy little mutant meffs. I want everyone to know just how big a Gobshites they are.
It’s tea and cocoa time in Surrey and I’m pretty sure it’s dark for 22 hours a day in Norway right now so they won’t see it until tomorrowTag them in mate.
Hicks and Gillett started this by raping Libpoolfc.
I think there’d be a full on riot if they tried that if I’m honest Joey. 2 fanbases to contend with thenGood job our new ground had not started at Bramly Moore dock ......they would have wrecked that if possible..,....
It's quiet elsewhere, just the odd bellwhiff justifying the crap from last night, all the togger tarts regurgitating the 'other supporters setting us up' mantra.The kopites on here are VERY quiet at the moment aren’t they? It’s almost as if their deplorable fanbase have proved us right isn’t it?
The subtext to posting that video is that Anderson is working it to the Kopite Chief Constable. No love lost there. I reckon Anderson rightly thinks Cooke has been avoiding policing the city while all this has been going on. Showing how Cooke let things get out of hand in the last few days and how it cost his officers is JA underlining that.
Even after all that Klopp still wants a championship parade around Liverpool.......I think there’d be a full on riot if they tried that if I’m honest Joey. 2 fanbases to contend with then
Far too many young lads these days that need a good kicking - rats who are protected by a nanny state too soft on scum.