Player Valuation: £70m
The Hillsborough trauma defence is their usual fall back position.Wait for the 'They ain't from Liverpool line next'
The Hillsborough trauma defence is their usual fall back position.Wait for the 'They ain't from Liverpool line next'
Full on wall of shame material this.
If this was all at a european away fixture, the entire country would be looking at a ban because of them... again.
Our justice system is too soft on crime - you wouldnt get lads snorting crack off a coppers hat in Russia as they'll be kicked up and down the street as they should be and you'll have no fuming Karens on social media watching the footage going "EH DATS MY NEPHEW EEZ A GUD KID JUST GOIN THRU A TUGH TIME AT DER MOMENT F DA POLICE"
Bore...Have you seen the extreme levels of violence, racism and Police Brutality at Russian football games. As for the justice system we lock up far more people per head than Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
I don’t think the original post to this was commenting on Russian football and its hooliganism but more for that the police force is respected.Have you seen the extreme levels of violence, racism and Police Brutality at Russian football games. As for the justice system we lock up far more people per head than Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
"Delete it ye grass"But look at the comments, delete it delete it delete it delete it.... That's all they ever say. If there's no proof that they are a gang of knobheads then they must not be knobheads eh.
I want all of them done the scruffy little mutant meffs. I want everyone to know just how big a Gobshites they are.
Population might have something to do with that yer tit.Have you seen the extreme levels of violence, racism and Police Brutality at Russian football games. As for the justice system we lock up far more people per head than Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
Heavy sight are the Social Media Reds with all their HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAs and emojis to get likes and retweets off the same wools that they claim to hate
Have you seen the extreme levels of violence, racism and Police Brutality at Russian football games. As for the justice system we lock up far more people per head than Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
Boris Johnson forcing the little creeps to do beak off a coppers hat and smash their own city up.
You fkin mug hahaha
Spot on that mate. It also seems to be their defense mechanism. ‘Hahaha blues are grasses’