An apology won't suffice. I'll throw one question in on this, the bloke in question appears to be about 50. Why has he got pictures of a 17 year old lad on his phone? The big issue will be for him (and all others who re-shared) if the lad in question is younger than 16 at the point that picture was taken and he publicly shared it. There was also another picture of (I think the same lad) looking much younger kicking about being shared as well, and he looked about 12. Was that shared by him as well I wonder?
I mean if the picture is of him 16 and upwards he will probably be ok from a criminal level (but not from a civil aspect). If not, I'm sure the police will be looking at it. I'm glad they're monitoring social media as well, hopefully every one of them that re-shared it get the pull if it's a picture of an under 16 they've shared.
The whole thing seems odd though. Why has he got pictures of kids on his phone anyway?