Haha, is it still called that?Can we all reflect on the fact that over the past two weeks our thread on RAWK has been called the "Jordan Pickford Appreciation Thread".
Should change our thread to Bigpicturepool. We should never forget what they tried to do before being slapped back in their hole by DBB.Can we all reflect on the fact that over the past two weeks our thread on RAWK has been called the "Jordan Pickford Appreciation Thread".
Give him his dues, ladz got sum mad skillz.
Thatcher loved the reds.
We all knew they were Tories, a bunch of bellends that bad could never be anything but Tories.A hand written letter by all accounts, by this most hated woman .
That's right. Pickford pre meditated a 50-50 bouncing ball with the opposing teams centre half, risking a penalty and a red card because he thinks we are in a title challenge and feels getting sent off and giving a penalty away is the best way to do it.
Yes that makes perfect sense when you look at it like that. Steroids boy has it nailed. Pickford definitely capable of that level of intricate thought.
We all knew they were Tories, a bunch of bellends that bad could never be anything but Tories.
Livertory FC
Give him his dues, ladz got sum mad skillz.
Give it time.are you sure? surely if they were tories they'd be all over the place feigning outrage at a situation largely of their own making whilst enriching themselves at everyone elses expense?
I’m struggling to remember the last time they lost a player to a cruciate, a ruptured Achilles or a broken leg, anyone?
We’ve had loads, same as most other clubs, they’ve had a very fortuitous run in that regard.