The situation with FSG will be fascinating. The US economy is in a bad bad way. Trump continues to make awful decisions and it could be really spiral by November. I think he will take more.impulsive gambles.
To answer the question put, FSGs first love is undoubtedly the Red Sox. That will be protected before anything Liverpool. If the Red Sox struggle badly dont discount them using Liverpool to bail them out.
Theres lots of scenarios that are open currently. At one end you have FSG going bust, at the other you have FSG needing too gain money to help liquidity and using Liverpool. My gut says they will be very concerned with the balance sheet that appears for the next 12 months. The biggest wage in the league, allied to falling sponsorships and TV revenues is a bad mix.
Another point to factor in to this, is they are not afraid to make big calls. They recently traded a couple of the Red Sox top players. It's part of a bigger picture.
Realistically given their ages their key mens values are going one way. The market will have already declined. I can see at least one of the major assets going this summer. That's probably a best case scenario too.
If they go bust, make a radical call, or want some/all of the money LFC owe them in underpinning their expansive transfer & wage spend it could be more radical than that.
If VVD became available for what they paid for him, in a declining market, I'd be very open to such a deal