Found this on a Facebook site, about a famous RS supporter...
When Jimmy Tarbuck robbed Terry Thomas
In January 1960 Terry Thomas’s carefully nurtured fame was at its height. He was appearing in a midnight charity event at the Odeon Theatre in Liverpool. After coming off stage and getting back to his dressing room he quickly realised that his expensive custom-made cigarette holder was missing. It wasn’t just any old cigarette holder this one; it was particularly ostentatious and decorated with 42 diamonds and a gold spiral band. It was insured for £2000.
The Liverpool police didn’t take long to track down two of the diamonds, finding them at the home of a local unemployed salesman, small-time variety artist and well-known ‘fence’ called Alan David Williams. The other 40 diamonds were found inside a roll of carpet at the Queen’s Drive home of an equally small-time variety artist, the 20 year old unemployed comedian called James Joseph Tarbuck.
Alan Williams was charged with being an accessory after the fact, Tarbuck with theft and they were both committed for trial at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court in April 1960.
Both men pleaded guilty and James Tarbuck was put on probation for two years while Williams was given a 12-month conditional discharge. Terry Thomas was angered by the court case especially after being continually accused, by the defence barrister, Mr Harry Livermore, of inflating the value of the cigarette holder for publicity reasons.