Latest Defence: No one heard it - it can't have happened. It's like a old style lynching.. "we all stick to the same story.. no-one saw it (aka The Shields Defence) & we'll be ok. - & when coupled with the favourite "some of my best friends are.." line & the "Fergie Association" plus "best friend of Fergie's son" one hey presto we have 3 "judges" at ringside all awarding the fight to Evra unanimously on points whilst everyone else at ringside maintaining the plucky Uruguayan didn't deserve to have a 2 point deduction for that low hit ("Negrito") oh and anyway everyone knows the nasty Frenchman hit our boy below the belt first...& he's got history don't ya know so he must be the guilty one.. (our boy's biting, diving, kicking, handball incidents are all a big mistake)
And now there's the old "Free the Uruguayan One" T-shirts. His coach protesting blah blah blah blah blah.. (Sissoko, don't remember that one like), Gerrard diving ("come again?"), Tommy Smith, Barnes, Collymore - you're just a Bitter.. Best fans in the world, laaaah!