It's the same with Man U in a way - people who have no knowledge of football whatsoever, when asked "who do you support" will invariably say Liverpool/Man U because they sell some stuff abroad and will get ticked down as one of their fans. No allegiance or loyalty at all.
If we're looking at a proper, real, actual football fan worldwide survey, I reckon we'd be top.
i'm from south wales, that's all they support. Last few years you've started to get chelsea in there as well. But yeah, i know what you mean, you get the scruffy 60 year old men who haven't shaved for about 3 years and have a liverpool top, obtained from the nearest charity shop as one of their 5 items of clothing to their name.
I mean, there are plenty of these, their not fans, they have no intention to ever go to a game, so because of all these, you can't say liverpool will definitely fill a 70,000 seater stadium etc.
Everyone in my school "supported" united (was in school in the 90's) and would all laugh at me and say, why do you support everton, they're rubbish etc. Took no notice, their questions just don't dignify an answer. They'd laugh at me when i said i went to watch a premier league game, because it was an everton vs southampton etc. But i attended more premier league games a year than the rest of the class put together.
Now all of a sudden, these people also support swansea and cardiff. Remember i went to cardiff vs everton this season and one guy who was in the home end was wearing a liverpool grey away top, at the match!!
Like i say, these people can't be taken into consideration when kopites say look how big our fanbase is, why don't we have a 70,000 seater stadium, we would definitely fill it - i have my doubts. 55,000, sure, but 70k? i have my doubts.