A good post on RAWK.....
I see nothing as changed on RAWK since I last posted on here: some decent posters who are prepared to contragulate City but a large percentage who come out with the old bollocks about buying trophies. Of course Liverpool have never bought trophies - every decent player has come through the ranks - I remember John Barnes, Peter Beardlsey, Ian Rush, Graham Souness etc. when they were playing in your youth team. How many times have Liverpool broken the transfer record? Fact is that football teams have been buying the league for many years - we won't be the first and we certaintly won't be the last. Strange that Liverpool use this as an excuse for why they haven't won the title for so many years yet they have no explanantion for why Man United are the most successful premier league club - they have had no petro-millions or sugar daddy.
Problem with many Liverpool fans this season (and I'm not saying all) is that they started celebrating the title weeks ago. T shirts being printed (all over the internet), adverts for jobs for stewards on the open top bus tour and singing "were going to win the league" - no wonder the team was under pressure in the final games. This was coupled with a media frenzy - all the ex-Liverpool pundits saying how Liverpool deserved to win it, Stevie G deserved the title for his loyalty ..ad nauseum. But for me using the death of 96 innocent people as a motivational factor for winning the title was in very bad taste and I can't believe the club went down that route. I think most neutrals originally rooted for Liverpool but I think by the end of the season the behaviour of the fans/club coupled with the media love in swung opinion in the opposite direction. I don't blame any fans for being excited but there is a difference between excitement and arrogance - I would have associated this behaviour with Rags not Liverpool fan. Your team were on top and playing great football but surely some humility and quiet confidence wouldn't have gone amiss.