I literally cannot stop filling my pants every time I stop to think how it all come tumbling down for them.
Normally I'd want them nowhere near a title place as the sweat on would be unbearable, and at times it did seem that way. I do however think the end was worth it as they flunked it in tremendous fashion. Every single one of them is utterly gutted right now, it's one of nature's great events.
What made it worse for them was believing their own hype and acting like they won it - see the t-shirts on sale like utter balloons and yet none of them pulled up those selling those t-shirts. They condoned it as part of the make us believe cringe they invested in.
Not one bit of class was shown. It wasn't about them winning it, it was going to be about how much they were about to get to gloat. See Luis Garcia rolled out at Anfield before the Chelsea game as one of many examples.
In the end it was a Holy Trinity of events that wrecked the whole thing for them:
1 - Steven Gerrard's slip which will be the ever lasting image of his failure to life the trophy they and him wanted the most. After making sure the camera heard his especially designed "don't let it slip" moment in the huddle when they won the title by beating City at home. They threw it away in the next home game by Gerrard slipping. Karma how could I ever doubt you?
2 - Jose Mourinho pulling their pants down. They hate him for some reason and antagonised him in the build up the game. Mourinho played an injury hit team beautifully and showed them how it's done when it comes to the crunch. He then fist pumped the winner in their faces and tremendously rubbed it in with circus comments going down the tunnel. He plays them like a boss vintage violin, and let there ever be no mistake that he detests them as deeply as we do. Mourinho gets it, a man of good judgement.
3 - Crystanbul. Is it out on DVD yet? For the past nine years we've had to endure continual referencing, bumper stickers and even plays about them drawing a Champions League final and having to win it on penalties. Coming from three back was upgraded to a "Miracle". So then the Miracle Of Selhurst Park happened and that title they'd been dreaming over was gone for good.
Town was jam packed full of hotel reservations for the weekend just gone. It was meant to be St Stevie's coronation. Instead they were left to try and put on a brave face and seek for some fallen pride to make themselves feel good about their pathetic out of town lives.
It's a boss end to an all round good season. Everton look like they're on the up and they just blew their best chance of a title for a generation leaving their heroic captain like an incomplete jigsaw soon to be forgotten on a shelf.
Their ex employees in the media along with Mr Suarez's antics have sufficiently patronised "der neutrals" into disliking them more than any champions of the last twenty years.
Their defiant words this week don't even begin to mask the broken hearts and self loathing.
It's ace.