Think he means LFC fans would all qualify for participation in the Special Olympics, a competition where the word 'special' is used as a euphemism for a wide range of mental disabilities. The implication here is that said fans apparent intellectual shortcomings are the result of genuine medical issues that require understanding. I contest this point, being, as it were, an advocate of the 'School of Evangelicalism' theory, which purports that the frothing at the mouth, spasmodic movements, and inability to open a Kit Kat wrapper are down to psychological traits most commonly found in 18th century religious zealots, the root of which, it's argued, stems from a complete abdication of agency in favour of unquestioning acceptance of the ten Kopite commandments:
Thou Shalt Not See the Dive
Thou Shalt Wear the Full Replica Trappings of the Apostles
Thou Shalt Brick Buses
Thou Shalt Wear Tragedy on One's Sleeve, Below the Prematurely Stitched 2013-2014 Premier League Champions Badge
Thou Shalt Purchase Adobe Photoshop
Thou Shalt Not Covet United's Trophy Cabinet
Thou Shalt Not Address Alex Ferguson as Sir
Thou Shalt Not Remember Last Season's Philosipheee
Thou Shalt Not Use Grammar