Another reliably self promoting vanity project by Rodgers over Sturridge's lay off...given the full quoted jibberish Echo treatment. Rodgers skewed logic trying to convince that Sturridge wouldn't have been injured if hed have had his usual two days off after playing instead of the 36 hours he had courtesy of England. I give you their new buzz term : "the recovery day"...or in Sturridge's case the necessary "two recovery days". Rodgers reckons Sturridge played for the RS on the Sunday v Spurs then had a recovery day the Monday...but trained the Tuesday... then played for England v Norway the Wednesday. Presumably following the RS two recovery days 'best practice', he should've, therefore, played for England without any training prior to playing then ???
“Our strategy in terms of keeping players fit has been proven during our time here" ???????
. Nostradamus Rodgers continues....
“He then plays a game on the Wednesday (against Norway), recovers Thursday and then gets injured training on what should be a second day recovery day. If he had got injured in a game or injured in contact in training then that’s football, it happens....I’m waiting for England to call us on it." He pulled up in training for Jesus sake....get over it.