Premier League fans descend on London to protest about ticket prices
Supporters groups vent their fury about 'greedy' clubs hiking prices despite signing a £5.5bn television deal
Link to video: Fans protest over high Premier League ticket prices
The Globe pub, opposite Baker Street Tube station in London, is normally the gathering point for raucous shows of partisanship ahead of Wembley finals. But on Wednesday there was unity in the air, as well as righteous fury, as rival fans gathered over a pint before a march on
Premier League headquarters to protest against
ticket prices. Rather than baiting one another, cries of "You greedy bastards, enough is enough", "We hate
Sky Sports and we hate Sky Sports" and "Supporters, united, will never be defeated" filled the air as Arsenal fans marched alongside their Spurs counterparts and Liverpool supporters joined forces with Manchester United diehards.
"We've had enough. We've just got to let the Premier League know how we feel," said John Bonfield, a Spurs fan from Hackney who said he feels his club simply charge whatever they think they can get away with. The genesis for the march was a couple of meetings organised by more than 15 supporters' groups in the north-west and London,
with Liverpool's Spirit of Shankly as the driving force, in the wake of protests against away-ticket prices
at the Emirates and elsewhere last season".
It was not true that the Spirit of Shankly were the 'driving force'. Man City fans started the ball rolling with their protest against away games ticket prices at Wigan, I think, and the Emirates. Which prompted this from Arsenal supporters.
"An angry group of Arsenal fans have written to chief executive Ivan Gazidis to stress concerns about the club's ticket prices.
The debate has gathered pace with the Gunners in the firing line after Manchester City sent back more than 900 tickets for Sunday's game at the Emirates because many supporters refused to pay £62".
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But there was always an elephant in the room. Why go to London to protest when you should be confronting your own club. LFC received not one letter, from any of their supporters groups complaining about ticket prices and particularly away ticket prices.
You are right they opportunistically took advantage of a report by the BBC, to try and position themselves, to be seen to be in the forefront of the campaign against high ticket prices. It is not surprising really that they are a bunch of self promoting egotists. Very much in the mould of their manager.