I think it is a bit much referring to people who pay good money to watch a football match and stay to the end as "scabs and rats".
It is a free choice......and I can state categorically if such a stunt was ever attempted at Goodison yours truly will not be joining in.
On the general subject, at the end of the day people do have a choice.
You pay the price of the ticket as set by the club or you do not.
Lots of people I know can no longer afford to go to Goodison.....Anfiekd as well.....and Goodison must be the cheapest ticket price of any major club.
The way they are trying to turn this into some kind of humanitarian crusade is nauseating.
They, more than any other set of fans, seem to think their club belongs to them. It doesn't.
We belong to our clubs.....not the other way round.
I am almost expecting Bob Geldorf to organise Kop Aid to help them out.