Unbelievable he has just won goals on Sunday player of the year, ahead of RvP!
I wondered when it would start.
Unbelievable he has just won goals on Sunday player of the year, ahead of RvP!
That reads to me like some LFC website has declared a fatwah on Stan, and their North Korean style followers are right in there.
Keep going Stan.
RAWK is the funniest forum on the web right now.
"All these people showing outrage at our support for Suarez may have had a case if he had been convicted in a court of law but the fact of the matter is he has been found guilty by a kangaroo court with questionable motives and anybody over 5 years old can see it's a political beat up aided and abetted by our worst enemies. You wonder if any of them have even read the details of the case."
Unbelievable he has just won goals on Sunday player of the year, ahead of RvP!
Which is of course followed by numerous comments from the cultists, denouncing the article as a complete waste of time, wrong in numerous if unproven ways and demanding the author be sacked for heretical scribblings.
Not that I am complaining, mind. Everything they are doing is just making the situation worse, exposing their mindlessness to the world at large and basically sending even more of the Yanks II money up in smoke. One of the loons will probably have a pop at Evra next.
Jesus Christ.
Said on Talksport before that a Liverpool fan sent a twitter message to Stan Collymore calling him a n**ger and telling him to 'go and hang yourself like Gary Speed.'
Absolutely disgusting.
Jesus Christ.
Said on Talksport before that a Liverpool fan sent a twitter message to Stan Collymore calling him a n**ger and telling him to 'go and hang yourself like Gary Speed.'
Absolutely disgusting.
Some of the racist bile left by our lovable neighbors on Stan Collymore’s twitter about Evra
I hope Kenny and John Henry are proud of what they have stirred up by the disgraceful behaviour of their club. This is racial incitement of the worst kind and has gone completely over the edge.............
Has JH been tweeting about this issue?
Go right to the top if you're not happy about something. What's he said about his players disgraceful behaviour?