Wait… so have male players earned their success and level of pay or not?! absolutely not - they should be paid far less, gate prices should be lower and football should be on free to air tv (like the women's game currently is - but won't be once we've all agreed they should be paid stupid amounts simply BECAUSE men are and its normalised among an unthinking population.
The men’s game was ruined completely by Sky and the PL. Whether or not players since have “earned” what they make is another discussion entirely but what is unequivocally true is that, for a relative pittance in terms of what gets paid out to male players, club shareholders and broadcasters themselves there could be real improvements made to grass roots football for all genders and in women’s pro football. The moon could be cheese. Before womens football became pro, the money could have been spread towards lower men's divisions, but it wasn't.
We all want the widest choice of entertaining sporting events possible, right? NO --I don't. We have an enormous range of TV channels now just like in the US. Diluted into thus mix of nonstop adverts is the same low quality programming with the occasional bit of quality that gets missed (by me at least) because I've simply given up trying to search for it among the dross. It's why I don't bother switching on to broadcast tv anymore. So why would anyone be against improving women’s football, which at the top flight level is probably already more entertaining than it has any right to be? Unless of course there are ulterior motives in play for wanting to keep the women’s game down, but that surely couldn’t be the case, could it?!