I'm prepared to give any fan initiative the benefit of the doubt. They can't claim to represent everyone, and I'm sure they won't.
The thing is getting access to Moshiri directly. He showed willingness in the early stages of his ownership to engage and if there is any way he can get to hear a fans perspective then it won't do any harm at least.
Kenwright is different and would run rings around such an initiative. He is a consumsate politician.
That's what it comes down to really. A continuation of the status quo at the club and the, in my view, inevitable bad consequences that brings, or some attempt at change and reform.
At the end of the day only Moshiri can deal with opponents and resistance to change at the club. Nobody else, so anything which results in fans being by-passed and meeting with anyone else is a waste of time. The 27 years campaign has acknowledged this for a themselves, so that is a good start.