Trying to have his Wolstenholme moment here the bad wet wipe. Shut up.
They aren’t in their prime ladDid you see them for the rest of the tournament or their careers?
The Danes are sitting there now, waiting; knowing that this lot will be inflating their sense of importance for the next 4 days and buying into the Sweet Caroline BS. And they'll be there at Wembley to see them off.
Keep it coming Crusaders.
The defeat you eventually suffer is going to be all the sweeter.
This lot wont get past Denmark.
They are 4th favourites to win this tournament in my opinion.
Denmark will 'kin leather these. On a mission for Eriksen.
I'll have the last laugh, yes. Only because England are born bottlers since the 1960s.
Theyll lose this one too. The hype and expectation will be unbearable for this team.
Seriously, on the England support thing (and if you feel *English* fair enough if that's your thing and you dont view it all as a stick to beat non-white English people with...which many do support the national team in order to do), but it really is a sign that you've given up on your own team ever being successful when you lump in and seek reflected glory from them.
Even after 26 years of f.a. from Everton trophy-wise I couldn't demean myself by joining the ranks of Cockneys and Geordie mutants who throw their hand in with that lot. Sorry. It's just not for me.
If England win the tournament it will be on the back of 6 out of 7 games played at Wembley. No other team had that advantage. And forget about the defence that teams play host in every tournament:
1/ even then they have to move out of their own capital city and not have a continuous home base.
2/ this tournament was billed as a moveable feast and promoted itself as different with no team having any overall advanatage. It hasn't turned out that way for England who have been THE host nation.
I dont see them beating both Denmark and Spain / Italy back-to-back. But if they did they wouldn;t be legitimate champions....we'd have said that if Germany or Italy or Spain had that advanatage, you know we would.
The tournament structure has been rigged.
They'll blow it; they ALWAYS blow it.
The expectations will be ramped up and the players will crack the first setback they have to face.
Nothing surer.
It will for you on Wednesday.
I can almost guarantee the inner-Pickford is about to make its presence felt in what remains of these Euros.
The bollock dropped yesterday was like the rumbling of a volcano...there's ash clouds above it and magma is bubbling up within. It's just a matter of time until Eyjafjallajordan blows.
I've no idea what's happened to Evertonians.
I menioned the other day that clinging sadly onto England victories is usually down to fans of clubs who dont get success. 26 years of failure may have swayed some of our lot to supporting the party of the Tory Establishment and the mill town nazis.
For me, we're a big city club with a big club attitude, and I scorn any movement toward the national team.
I posted photos without context or words; you were the one who brought in the issue of representation by posting a photo claiming the inclusiveness of following England.
Let's have it right: it shouldn't be this way, but the national football team are seen as a last bastion of white England. Some outside of that ethnicity may identify with the national team - and good for them for trying to deny them that space. But national teams are vehicles for right wing identity politics based on exclusiveness - see for examples the Golden Dawn movement that latched onto the Greek national team and the Carpathian Brigade who have turned support for Hungary into a pro-Urban, pro-fascist activity.
If Saka hadn't been on the pitch Denmark would be home and dry now.
Weak pen given, weak pen taken, and fortunate rebound. Yeah, not harsh at all.They've been gash all game.
England has an English vibe. This is you now.Henderson dives… England has a RS vibe